December 19, 2019 The City of Inver Grove Heights signed the occupancy document for The Learning Garden use of the church facility upstairs and down stairs. Prayers answered and lots of people coordination too. ... LOTS of Trustee work was involved in getting the facility fire & smoke alarms upgraded. Also upgraded the entrance security at the East and West entrances to the facility. Now we can begin partnering with The Learning Garden offering a safe, nurturing learning environment for children to grow.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28
Write your prays and burdens, put them in the Believe Box and Believe God will take care of them.
Matthew 11:28
Write your prays and burdens, put them in the Believe Box and Believe God will take care of them.
Giving is worship. As members and friends of Mt Bethel Church contemplate Christmas gifts, many kept Mt Bethel Church in mind. Mt Bethel has created funds to accomplish very specific goals of faith in action.
> A Gift to our 70th Street Sign renewal. Cost $26,000 pledged or dollars received total $9,760. A gap of $16,240 remains for purchasing the sign..
> Remembering Mt Bethel Church in your will and estate planning will express your faith in a meaningful way.
> Gift to Mt Bethel Endowment fund. Goal of $50,000 Interest earned from the $50k investment for our church to continue its ministry work beyond our lives helping those in need.
> A Gift to renewing our Sanctuary sound system. $5,000 is budgeted for 2020 for a 3-year phase upgrading. The full renewal estimate in the area of $15,000.
> A Gift to our Missions fund. Directly supporting local ministry at Hilltop Elementary, outreach in our neighborhood, Neighbors Inc, Listening House homeless shelter, UMCOR & more….
> Our Christmas Eve offering to support and establish churches around Minnesota through the Minnesota Annual Conference mission of Reach Renew Rejoice!
> A Gift to our 70th Street Sign renewal. Cost $26,000 pledged or dollars received total $9,760. A gap of $16,240 remains for purchasing the sign..
> Remembering Mt Bethel Church in your will and estate planning will express your faith in a meaningful way.
> Gift to Mt Bethel Endowment fund. Goal of $50,000 Interest earned from the $50k investment for our church to continue its ministry work beyond our lives helping those in need.
> A Gift to renewing our Sanctuary sound system. $5,000 is budgeted for 2020 for a 3-year phase upgrading. The full renewal estimate in the area of $15,000.
> A Gift to our Missions fund. Directly supporting local ministry at Hilltop Elementary, outreach in our neighborhood, Neighbors Inc, Listening House homeless shelter, UMCOR & more….
> Our Christmas Eve offering to support and establish churches around Minnesota through the Minnesota Annual Conference mission of Reach Renew Rejoice!

A circle of Giving Angel gift card Wreath for Neighbors
An Angel gift card Wreath for Neighbors Inc ministry was located in our narthex. A circle of giving for the ….. "Holiday Gift Assistance" for children and senior citizens by Neighbors Inc. This Neighbors’ Holiday Gift Program provides gifts for children age 18 and under or still in high-school as well as older adults aged 65 and over.
For each gift card donated to Neighbors’ an angel was posted on the wreath. Some of us brought gift cards , others of us purchased gift cards from the weekly Scrip table the four Advent Sundays of December. Lots of generosity to be thankful for as we bless neighbors via our Neighbors Inc. totaling $355.
An Angel gift card Wreath for Neighbors Inc ministry was located in our narthex. A circle of giving for the ….. "Holiday Gift Assistance" for children and senior citizens by Neighbors Inc. This Neighbors’ Holiday Gift Program provides gifts for children age 18 and under or still in high-school as well as older adults aged 65 and over.
For each gift card donated to Neighbors’ an angel was posted on the wreath. Some of us brought gift cards , others of us purchased gift cards from the weekly Scrip table the four Advent Sundays of December. Lots of generosity to be thankful for as we bless neighbors via our Neighbors Inc. totaling $355.
Advent & Christmas 2019: Pastor Dave's message series Empowering the Marginalized
To Marginalize Someone is to:
Push to the edge; deny a place in your community and culture; to label as outside of the norm, as weird, scary, hateful, useless; to place someone in a powerless position outside of the inner circle of a family, society, culture, people or nation.
The Journey to Grace:
* Temptation to Marginalize Matthew 1:18
* Justification to Marginalize Matthew 1:19
* Intervention of Truth Matthew 1:20-23
* Identification with the Marginalized One Matthew 1:24
* Becoming an Instrument of God’s Grace Matthew 1:25
To Marginalize Someone is to:
Push to the edge; deny a place in your community and culture; to label as outside of the norm, as weird, scary, hateful, useless; to place someone in a powerless position outside of the inner circle of a family, society, culture, people or nation.
The Journey to Grace:
* Temptation to Marginalize Matthew 1:18
* Justification to Marginalize Matthew 1:19
* Intervention of Truth Matthew 1:20-23
* Identification with the Marginalized One Matthew 1:24
* Becoming an Instrument of God’s Grace Matthew 1:25
Needing a sign to Worship? We've got two.
The banners are brought to us by a grant Mt Bethel received from MN Annual Conference for welcoming neighbors... 70th Street has a social flow to it. To help the grant go farther, Jasmin Whiting, graphic designer has donated her time & skills and Impression Signs make banners for us at a fair cost. Jasmin also designed our Forge logos, Forge, Night to Unite and Trunk or Treat banners too.
The banners are brought to us by a grant Mt Bethel received from MN Annual Conference for welcoming neighbors... 70th Street has a social flow to it. To help the grant go farther, Jasmin Whiting, graphic designer has donated her time & skills and Impression Signs make banners for us at a fair cost. Jasmin also designed our Forge logos, Forge, Night to Unite and Trunk or Treat banners too.
Shop With Scrip volunteers Judy A, Joann L, Bill B, & Linda E, would like to thank Mt Bethel for allowing us to continue with this fundraising program. We have been active for several years now. We purchase shopping cards at a small discount and sell them for face value. You pay only the value of the card. There are no hidden activation fees and the cards don't expire. It is a very painless way to earn money to support Mt Bethel's mission in the community. Half of the earnings go to the General Ministry budget and half to the Endowment fund.
To all who participated in 2019 ~ Thank you! Twenty-eight people participated at various levels to earn $1890 for Mt Bethel in 2019. We would love to have you join us. Consider using cards for your own purchases as well as for gifts.
To all who participated in 2019 ~ Thank you! Twenty-eight people participated at various levels to earn $1890 for Mt Bethel in 2019. We would love to have you join us. Consider using cards for your own purchases as well as for gifts.
November 27th, Thanksgiving Eve.... An overnight snow of 9" couldn't keep us from gathering for pie and celebrating in Worship around table our gratitude for our many blessings. From Luke 17 we seek to be the one of ten who returns and gives thanks and praise to Jesus for all He has done for us. We are Happy in our Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 24th at 11:20a: our All Church Congregational meeting an Agenda to approve Mt Bethel Church 2020 General Ministry Budget. Thirty-three some of us attended and Unanimously passed a General Ministry Budget for 2020. Grateful to our Finance Team lead by Chair Paul W. and Treasurer Linda and Financial Secretary Darlene. A special Thank you to United Methodist Church Elder Reverend Emil Eberhart who lead the meeting.
Many of us Contribute to our modern day Cornucopia ~ that benefits Neighbors Inc Food Shelf. Cornucopia giving included; soups, pancake syrup, canned vegetables & fruit, jelly, tuna and canned meat, toilet paper, shampoo, hygiene products yielded 179 pounds!!
Donations were placed at the Altar. We began gathering the Cornucopia items October 6 to Thanksgiving. Those giving money, placed their donation in the Offering basket designated: Food Shelf to be forwarded to Neighbors Inc. Our Thanksgiving generous giving offering will be dedicated 50/50 to Neighbors Inc Food Shelf and UMCOR More Photos of 2019 Fall at Mt Bethel Church click here |

A message from the Owner - Director Angela Kapp; The Learning Garden at Inver Grove Heights is officially licensed for 7 infants as of Monday, November 4th.
Now the Trustees are focused on getting the lower level to pass the City code details. Prayers are answered ~ and too more answered need for the lower level.
Now the Trustees are focused on getting the lower level to pass the City code details. Prayers are answered ~ and too more answered need for the lower level.
We gathered items to pack into Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes up to November 10.
We are grateful for Judy A and Mary who lead the way on organizing the packing of Shoeboxes on Monday, Nov. 11 at 1pm.
Thank you to all who donated to items for Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes.
Mt Bethel attenders donated contents for 44 boxes plus the money to cover the cost of shipping $9./box. Grateful and Thankful for your generosity on behalf of 44 child recipients - event coordinators Judy Alich and Mary Anich.
We are grateful for Judy A and Mary who lead the way on organizing the packing of Shoeboxes on Monday, Nov. 11 at 1pm.
Thank you to all who donated to items for Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes.
Mt Bethel attenders donated contents for 44 boxes plus the money to cover the cost of shipping $9./box. Grateful and Thankful for your generosity on behalf of 44 child recipients - event coordinators Judy Alich and Mary Anich.

October 29 - November 9, 2019 Pastor Dave lead a spiritual pilgramage tour to the Holy Land. Click on to view a slide show of some of the places visited and experiences.

At the October Ad board meeting leadership made the decision to proceed with the sign option of the electronic reader board. At this time there is a gap in the monies received and the cost of the sign. The decision was made to continue a sign campaign till Easter 2020. At this time, $3760 actual pledged and dollars received from the September 2019 Sign campaign and a conditional pledge to an electronic reader sign of $6000. Actual pledged and dollars received with the conditional pledge, total $9760 Sign Fund equity (interest earning) account.

We did it again..... Trunk Or Treat event, meeting the neighborhood Wednesday, October 30th 4-6pm. A beautiful sunny day but.... COLD 34 degrees with 27 degree windchill. Some trunks outside on the drive and also treat stations inside the church. Well over 100 kids attended. Many attenders stayed for a soup & sandwich supper in the fellowship hall. Many from the neighborhood and beyond came. Our prayers for our event planning and neighborhood attenders were answered. Greatful & Thankful ~ Offering hospitality.... In Jesus Name. Click here for Photos from our 2019 Trunk or Treat ministry event meeting the neighbors. All the scarf pictures are scarfs Deloris H made for the event. Kids played LRC - Left Right Center roll the die for which treat - a hold was the choice of a scarf.
An attender thanked Deb O for the meal (homemade chicken noodle soup & sandwich) and shared how much she appreciated the event. She had been praying for 14 years her spouse would attend church. Deep gratitude for this Trunk or Treat event and meal for it got her husband into a Church and he was having a positive experience. ..... Amen.
An attender thanked Deb O for the meal (homemade chicken noodle soup & sandwich) and shared how much she appreciated the event. She had been praying for 14 years her spouse would attend church. Deep gratitude for this Trunk or Treat event and meal for it got her husband into a Church and he was having a positive experience. ..... Amen.
God calls us to be in ministry with children, and every United Methodist church in Minnesota is urged to develop a long-term partnership with a school in its neighborhood. We are so fortunate to have a wonderful neighborhood school. On Wednesday, October 16th we provided lunch to Hilltop’s staff on their Parent - Teacher conference day.
Thank you to all that brought items to serve at Hilltop Elementary School. The staff really enjoyed the lunch. Special hospitality thank yous to George Anich, Barb Mavolich & Judy Alich for their help setting up, cleaning up and serving. ~ Mary Anich
Mary thank you too for casting ministry opportunity to serve meeting needs of emotional, spiritual and physical needs. - offering Jesus to our neighbors.
Thank you to all that brought items to serve at Hilltop Elementary School. The staff really enjoyed the lunch. Special hospitality thank yous to George Anich, Barb Mavolich & Judy Alich for their help setting up, cleaning up and serving. ~ Mary Anich
Mary thank you too for casting ministry opportunity to serve meeting needs of emotional, spiritual and physical needs. - offering Jesus to our neighbors.
Spiritual & Physical Wellness ~ after Worship @10a Sunday, Octber 13th
Cub Pharmacy hosted a flu shot Clinic 11:05a-12:30p at Mt Bethel Church. We brought our insurance cards and lined up for shots and got healthy.
Cub Pharmacy hosted a flu shot Clinic 11:05a-12:30p at Mt Bethel Church. We brought our insurance cards and lined up for shots and got healthy.

World Communion Sunday began in 1936 as a way to recognize our ecumenical oneness in Christ and to bring Christians together in a spirit of unity and peace. We, United Methodists join Christians of different traditions to celebrate Communion together.
On Sunday, October 6th, 10a we came together with the world for Communion. Our District Superintendent Rev. Cynthia Williams joined us.
On Sunday, October 6th, 10a we came together with the world for Communion. Our District Superintendent Rev. Cynthia Williams joined us.
Heaven will be a place of joyous reunion with all those who have gone to heaven before us. ~Billy Graham
Friday, September 27, 2019 LaVerne Edwards crossed over to Glory. May the peace of God surround Dick and family during this difficult time and strengthen, comfort and bless them in the days to come.
LaVerne's Funeral service will be held on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 at 11:00 AM with visitation from 9:30 – 11:00 AM at The Grove United Methodist Church 7465 Steepleview Road in Woodbury. Pastor Dan Wetterstrom will preside, and LaVerne’s grandchildren will act as pallbearers. LaVerne will be laid to rest with family at Grove United Methodist Cemetery in Woodbury.
At this sad time, may Dick and family, be comforted by our care, our thoughts and prayers.
Friday, September 27, 2019 LaVerne Edwards crossed over to Glory. May the peace of God surround Dick and family during this difficult time and strengthen, comfort and bless them in the days to come.
LaVerne's Funeral service will be held on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 at 11:00 AM with visitation from 9:30 – 11:00 AM at The Grove United Methodist Church 7465 Steepleview Road in Woodbury. Pastor Dan Wetterstrom will preside, and LaVerne’s grandchildren will act as pallbearers. LaVerne will be laid to rest with family at Grove United Methodist Cemetery in Woodbury.
At this sad time, may Dick and family, be comforted by our care, our thoughts and prayers.
Our Ad Board has committed to a Sign campaign to raise funds for renewing the 70th street sign. Sign campaign ran from August 18, to Sunday, Sept 29, 2019 with pledged dollars to be received by November 1st. Grateful for generous giving to sign renewal. Thank you ![]()
Sundae of IGH Days, Sept 8, 2019 Pastor Dave began his Fall sermon series ~ Rewriting the Narrative: Overcoming Fear in the Age of Anxiety. A five-week message series on how to overcome fear, anxiety and worry….the emotional plague on our culture & age.
Conversation of the reality of fear and the source of our fears; AND how to find God’s peace and presence in the midst of a world that often seems like it has gone mad and gone off the tracks! Jesus said,
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” John 14:27. Words of hope from the Bible in conversation about practical ways that work to find God’s peace & presence in our busy & hectic lives. After worship we enjoyed ice cream!
Conversation of the reality of fear and the source of our fears; AND how to find God’s peace and presence in the midst of a world that often seems like it has gone mad and gone off the tracks! Jesus said,
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” John 14:27. Words of hope from the Bible in conversation about practical ways that work to find God’s peace & presence in our busy & hectic lives. After worship we enjoyed ice cream!
We offer a special welcome to those who could use a prayer right now, had religion shoved down your throat as a kid or got lost on your way to Good Shepherd or St Pat’s and wound up at Mt Bethel by mistake.
We gathered, we worshiped, and eat ice cream, we welcomed the community. Why so welcoming? Because, Everyone needs Jesus. Everyone changes when they meet Jesus. And we want to make sure everyone knows they were invited to meet Jesus. Come. We welcome you.
We gathered, we worshiped, and eat ice cream, we welcomed the community. Why so welcoming? Because, Everyone needs Jesus. Everyone changes when they meet Jesus. And we want to make sure everyone knows they were invited to meet Jesus. Come. We welcome you.
Pastor Dave's Summer Series: Does God Love the Whole World?
July 28, 2019 - Does God Love the Whole World?
August 4, 2019 - Is Jesus the Savior of All People?
August 18, 2019 - Will God be ONE with All People?
August 25, 2019 - Will ALL Share God's Glory?
September 1, 2019 - Is God’s Eternal Joy for All People?
July 28, 2019 - Does God Love the Whole World?
August 4, 2019 - Is Jesus the Savior of All People?
August 18, 2019 - Will God be ONE with All People?
August 25, 2019 - Will ALL Share God's Glory?
September 1, 2019 - Is God’s Eternal Joy for All People?
August 2019 Our Mission, to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Mt Bethel Church is a vital congregation of service through ministries. We ARE experiencing the transformation of peoples lives in Jesus name. AND too we are transforming our facility. Our facility’s age needs fixes or replacements. The past year(s) the Trustees and Ad Board Leadership has invested many hours of investigation, research, conversation, and prayer to wise stewardship of resources for Church facility care.
Outcomes~ Lower level painted, Narthex area painted, 3-compartment wash rinse sanitize kitchen sink installed, new security locks on East & West entrances, South room dividers removed. This week the parking lot; weak crumbling sections replaced and stronger |
sections cracks filled and sealed. Soon a new West door, Updated fire alarm audible & visual/strobe.
Final investigations of a new 70th street sign, painting of exterior faucets and the expensive news that the 15 yr old AC unit of the Sanctuary section of the facility is in cautious shape considerations of repair or replace in addition to sound system improvements. Facility wise, and Soul wise ….. We are being renewed from the ground up ~ inside and out.... and most importantly we know, God IS with Us. Click for re-new photos
Thank you members and friends of Mt Bethel Church for your faithfulness and generous giving of time and resources to our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Final investigations of a new 70th street sign, painting of exterior faucets and the expensive news that the 15 yr old AC unit of the Sanctuary section of the facility is in cautious shape considerations of repair or replace in addition to sound system improvements. Facility wise, and Soul wise ….. We are being renewed from the ground up ~ inside and out.... and most importantly we know, God IS with Us. Click for re-new photos
Thank you members and friends of Mt Bethel Church for your faithfulness and generous giving of time and resources to our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Our 2019 Night to Unite photos click here
Five years ago when Mt Bethel leadership dared to reach the neighborhood with the idea to be a host site for Night to Unite.... We, the church serving together- the Body of Christ responding to the neighborhood we live in. Each year God has provided a harvest of goodness and encouragement of more and more neighbors attending God's love is sooooo heart warming.... This year we grilled the hotdogs and added brats & baked beans to the menu too along with the chips, root beer floats. Click here for our Night to Unite page. |
Faces turned!!I’ll fly away to a home on God’s celestial shore, for there is Power, wonder working power in the blood of the Lamb and ev’ry time I feel the Spirit moving in my heart I will pray for Jesus ~ sweetest name I know who takes me in the lifeboat – standing in the raging storm for God is good all the time and all the time God is good for this I know. So, come -come -come to church tones so sweetly calling for I’m a poor wayfaring stranger day by day in amazing grace because the Lord is my Shepherd He leads me. What a friend I have in Jesus!!!
Sunday, June 30 was delightful worshipping at the corner of 70th Street & Carmen Ave. The country-gospel band “Faces Turned” led worship packed with special music; bagnio guitars spoons drums mandolin piano & voice plus testimony. Polly T shared testimony of practicing faith, hope, love, joy, peace… a heaven faith. A heaven faith of God constantly revealing who God is to her: God the Creator, God the Son-Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit. 'My Story' has roots in … Because the Lord is my Shepherd…He leads me…” AND we had an 'air conditioned' picnic and celebrated birthdays of Joan, JoAnn & Pastor Dave.
Sunday, June 30 was delightful worshipping at the corner of 70th Street & Carmen Ave. The country-gospel band “Faces Turned” led worship packed with special music; bagnio guitars spoons drums mandolin piano & voice plus testimony. Polly T shared testimony of practicing faith, hope, love, joy, peace… a heaven faith. A heaven faith of God constantly revealing who God is to her: God the Creator, God the Son-Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit. 'My Story' has roots in … Because the Lord is my Shepherd…He leads me…” AND we had an 'air conditioned' picnic and celebrated birthdays of Joan, JoAnn & Pastor Dave.

The mission of Mt Bethel United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. A new survey of U.S. spiritual “seekers” ages 25-49, conducted by Barna Group on behalf of United Methodist Communications, found that feeling welcomed was the top motivator in considering a church.
Other top factors are making friends and nurturing friendships (29%), support during difficult times (28%) and learning more about God (27%). Click here, view a video exploring more details about “seekers” in the U.S. and ways we of Mt Bethel Church can engage them. Genuine community and good teaching are top drivers for continued church attendance. Click here to view presention slides
Other top factors are making friends and nurturing friendships (29%), support during difficult times (28%) and learning more about God (27%). Click here, view a video exploring more details about “seekers” in the U.S. and ways we of Mt Bethel Church can engage them. Genuine community and good teaching are top drivers for continued church attendance. Click here to view presention slides
Sunday, June 23rd: Mid-year All Church Charge Conference meeting, Celebrating Ministry Past~ Present~ making ready for a thriving Future. DS Cynthia Williams appointed Elder Rev. Penny Eberhart to guide our Congregational business at 11:30a in the Fellowship Hall. Over 32 attenders expressed gratitude for our leaders who have served so faithfully and elected 2019-2020 Leadership. We reviewed the 2019 Budget to date, and reviewed our next steps of the Strategic Plan 2018-2020 adopted by the Mt Bethel Leadership and Congregation in the Fall of 2018. Mt Bethel United Methodist Church ~ Dare to Reach and Love Boldly ~May God continue to pour blessings and opportunity onto and into the mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ to transform the world.
Our Jill Lewis on Town Square TV's Insight 7. Click to find out some of the many things Jill has done and is doing to help the community.
Sunday afternoon, Father's Day, June 16, 2019 - Son, husband, father, grandfather, friend; David Ernewein passed into eternity. Dave's Celebration of Life/Memorial service will be at Mt Bethel Church on Saturday, July 13th.
Visitation at 11a, Service at Noon, Luncheon at 1p.
At this sad time, may Nancy and family, be comforted by our care, our thoughts and prayers.

June 12, 2019 FORGE a Ministry of Mt Bethel Church launched a webpage
April 17, 2019 Forge launched a Facebook page ForgeIGH
June 2019, Daniel Tabbert's skill set got a sign posted on our wall.
April 2019, Jasmin Whiting offered her graphic design marketing gifts and talents to Forge Worship and provided a branding logo package that was whole heartedly approved by Forge attenders. Thank you Jasmin.
April 17, 2019 Forge launched a Facebook page ForgeIGH
June 2019, Daniel Tabbert's skill set got a sign posted on our wall.
April 2019, Jasmin Whiting offered her graphic design marketing gifts and talents to Forge Worship and provided a branding logo package that was whole heartedly approved by Forge attenders. Thank you Jasmin.
6/8/2019 The Mt Bethel Community Garden is planted and growing. This year we have planted 50+ large yield vegetables including: tomatoes; squash; cucumbers; bell peppers, zucchini; eggplant; and cantaloupe. We anticipate that the harvest will begin by the end of July.
We will have a Mt Bethel Community Garden table in the church fellowship hall to make garden produce available to everyone in our church community. Also, if you have extra produce from your garden you are invited to leave it on our community garden table to share with others. Approximately 1/3 of our garden produce will go to our church community and 2/3 to Neighbors Inc., Food Shelf. Last year we donated 300 lbs of produce from the Mt Bethel garden that went to needy people in our community. A BIG Thank You to all who helped last year and all who have signed up to help this year. |
So far we have three garden teams signed up to help weed & water. We are hoping for 1 or 2 more teams. Also, we will need people to help transport the produce to the Neighbors Food Shelf sometime beginning in late July early August when the produce is ready for harvest. If you can help with a weed/water garden team or produce delivery team please sign up on the Garden Schedule located each week on the clip board in fellowship hall, or go to garden web page. Please join us in praying for an abundant & blessed harvest in the summer of 2019!
Garden Co-Captains, Pastor & Deb
Garden Co-Captains, Pastor & Deb
Old Salem Shrine will hold an Open House (1:00 - 3:00) and Annual Founders Day service (3:00 - 4:00) on Sunday, June 2, 2019. You are invited to see how our ancestors worshipped in the 1800s with kerosene lamps and an authentic pump organ. The Liturgist is Pastor Jay Jeong of Mounds Park UMC, and the message for the service will be by Rev. John Praetorius of Grace Point UMC, St Cloud, Mn. Old Salem is located on Salem Church Road (aka Upper 55th Street) just one block east of Highway 3 (aka Robert Street) in Inver Grove Heights. All are welcome.

Friday night, April 26, 2019
Our Jill Lewis received the SSP/IGH Rotary Club Service to Others Humanitarian Recognition. An evening of much goodness! Throughout Jill’s acceptance speech she gave testimony of her Faith in action serving others in the community and beyond.
Jill concluded, Sunday morning in worship (4/28/19) at Mt Bethel we will be singing a song; Lord, make me a servant, humble and meek, let me lift up those who are weak and may the prayer of my heart always be make me a servant today. Humbly, I say thank you.
Jill began playing church organ and piano at the age of 12. Playing weekly since. Yes over fifty years. Jill has served as a school board member for 39 years and a founding member of the IGH B.E.S.T Foundation Board of Directors that has awarded over 3 million dollars to over 2500 Simley High School seniors. She was treasurer for SSP/IGH Rotary for 18 some years. Currently Jill is focusing all her energy on beating pancreatic cancer.
Our Jill Lewis received the SSP/IGH Rotary Club Service to Others Humanitarian Recognition. An evening of much goodness! Throughout Jill’s acceptance speech she gave testimony of her Faith in action serving others in the community and beyond.
Jill concluded, Sunday morning in worship (4/28/19) at Mt Bethel we will be singing a song; Lord, make me a servant, humble and meek, let me lift up those who are weak and may the prayer of my heart always be make me a servant today. Humbly, I say thank you.
Jill began playing church organ and piano at the age of 12. Playing weekly since. Yes over fifty years. Jill has served as a school board member for 39 years and a founding member of the IGH B.E.S.T Foundation Board of Directors that has awarded over 3 million dollars to over 2500 Simley High School seniors. She was treasurer for SSP/IGH Rotary for 18 some years. Currently Jill is focusing all her energy on beating pancreatic cancer.
This Lent and Easter season our focus is on The Gift of Forgiveness. God gives The Gift of Forgiveness through Jesus; You accept The Gift and forgive yourself, and then give The Gift to your family and friends, and even to your enemies. Ultimately, you become a Person of Forgiveness freely giving God's Gift to everyone you meet.
We celebrated Holy Week in grand fashion at Mt Bethel UMC! Twenty-five of us joined together in a Passover Seder on Maundy Thursday. We celebrated the Seder meal that Jesus had with his disciples in the Upper Room and experienced how Christ is present in the Passover! A full meal was served and the entire service lasted about 90 minutes. Good Friday evening we reflect on the crucifixion of our Lord with a Tenebrae Worship service and descent into darkness. A quiet, reflective and moving service of worship that focused on the last words of Jesus on the cross and drew us to the heart of God.
Easter Sunday is Resurrection Day!!! The celebration began with an Easter Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall and continued with our Easter Worship Celebration. Our worship included singing the beautiful resurrection songs Christ the Lord is Risen Today; Up From the Grave He Arose; and Because He Lives. Clyde Cress sang, They Rolled the Stone Away, and Boo Segersin (Pastor’s daughter) sang The Holy City. Both solos touched the soul. Pastor Johnston message reminded us of God’s Spacious love for us. We are Easter people and we raised our voices.

Tennebre Good Friday Worship Service on April 19 at 6:30p. The word "tenebrae" comes from the Latin meaning "darkness." The Tenebrae is an ancient Christian Good Friday service that makes use of gradually diminishing light through the extinguishing of candles to symbolize the events of that week from the triumphant Palm Sunday entry through Jesus' burial.
This increasing darkness symbolizes the approaching darkness of Jesus' death and of hopelessness in the world without God. Worship concluded in darkness, with a final candle, the Christ candle, carried out of the sanctuary, symbolizing the death of Jesus. Yes, we experience a loud noise symbolizing the closing of Jesus' tomb. We then left in silence to ponder the impact of Christ's death and await the coming Resurrection.
This increasing darkness symbolizes the approaching darkness of Jesus' death and of hopelessness in the world without God. Worship concluded in darkness, with a final candle, the Christ candle, carried out of the sanctuary, symbolizing the death of Jesus. Yes, we experience a loud noise symbolizing the closing of Jesus' tomb. We then left in silence to ponder the impact of Christ's death and await the coming Resurrection.
On Maundy Thursday, April 18, 2019, Mt Bethel Church held a Passover Seder. The service began at 6pm in the Fellowship Hall and was done by 7:45p.
We gathered together to celebrate a shortened version of the Jewish Passover Seder, which Jewish people have participated in for 3,500 years, since God led them out of Egypt under Moses’ leadership around 1400 B.C. The Passover Seder is the meal that Jesus celebrated with His disciples in the upper room the night before He was arrested and crucified (see Matthew 26:17-35).
The purpose of the Passover Seder is to commemorate and to remember God’s deliverance of Israel. Jews in Israel, and across the world, gather on the first night of Passover (begins on Friday, April 19 in 2019) in small family units to read the story of the Exodus, to celebrate God’s grace and deliverance and to enjoy a meal together, with the head of the family leading the celebration. The Seder typically lasts 3 hours.
The Maundy Thursday Passover Seder at Mt Bethel was a shortened version of the Jewish holiday. Pastor Dave, and others of Mt Bethel Church lead us in the Passover meal. We gained a whole new understanding of the Last Supper and Holy Communion from the Hebraic traditions of the Jewish Passover Seder. The cost of the meal is about $10 per person. We took a free will offering to cover the costs of the celebration. Shalom!
We gathered together to celebrate a shortened version of the Jewish Passover Seder, which Jewish people have participated in for 3,500 years, since God led them out of Egypt under Moses’ leadership around 1400 B.C. The Passover Seder is the meal that Jesus celebrated with His disciples in the upper room the night before He was arrested and crucified (see Matthew 26:17-35).
The purpose of the Passover Seder is to commemorate and to remember God’s deliverance of Israel. Jews in Israel, and across the world, gather on the first night of Passover (begins on Friday, April 19 in 2019) in small family units to read the story of the Exodus, to celebrate God’s grace and deliverance and to enjoy a meal together, with the head of the family leading the celebration. The Seder typically lasts 3 hours.
The Maundy Thursday Passover Seder at Mt Bethel was a shortened version of the Jewish holiday. Pastor Dave, and others of Mt Bethel Church lead us in the Passover meal. We gained a whole new understanding of the Last Supper and Holy Communion from the Hebraic traditions of the Jewish Passover Seder. The cost of the meal is about $10 per person. We took a free will offering to cover the costs of the celebration. Shalom!
FORGE Easter Celebration on Wednesday, April 24 at 6pm. We have been practicing FORGE for almost 6 months and now we are ready to invite the community to join us!! Family Friendly FORGE begins at 6pm with a simple meal of soup and salad and then moves into interactive contemporary worship. All are invited even families with young children.
Our Easter offering will go to our Reach Renew Rejoice pledge to plant new congregations in Minnesota. We, with other MN United Methodist Churches statewide have the goal of one new congregation a year for 10 years and assisting in the revitalizing of 20 congregations each year. You can give on line or place your Easter offering in the basket at offering time. Lives are being transformed by your generous giving in Jesus Name.
No Lenten Service tonight, 6pm Wednesday, April 10th due to winter weather
April 10, 2019
Due to winter’s accumulating snow showing up on April 10, 2019 resulting in dangerous driving conditions, Leadership choose to cancel our Wednesday evening Lent Worship. Attached is our worship presentation. Cancelation communicated by text, Facebook, our website and phone calls.
Due to winter’s accumulating snow showing up on April 10, 2019 resulting in dangerous driving conditions, Leadership choose to cancel our Wednesday evening Lent Worship. Attached is our worship presentation. Cancelation communicated by text, Facebook, our website and phone calls.
Lydia's Purple Update: For the past eight months, members of more than 190 churches across the Dakotas-Minnesota Area have been creating beautiful, hand-made purple scarves that will be given to General Conference 2020 participants as a gesture of welcome. This initiative, called the Lydia Project (after Lydia in Acts 16), aims to provide warm hospitality to all who join in the work of legislation, fellowship, and worship when our global connection meets in Minneapolis in May 2020. Over the past week, the number of scarves pledged exceeded the ambitious 10,000 goal!
Mt Bethel has EXCEEDED our goal of 25 scarves. If you wish to continue making scarves, the additional scarves will be given to people in need.
The scarves were initially planned as a practical solution to drafty, overly-air-conditioned convention center spaces. Quickly, they became a symbol of the Dakotas-Minnesota Host Committee’s intention to provide radical hospitality, emphasize our oneness in Christ, and create a memorable experience for ALL attendees. Excitement spread across our three-state area, simple purple yarn is being transformed into gifts of love and prayers for the future of Our Denomination.
Because of Congregations' generous response to the Lydia Project, EVERY participant at General Conference 2020—delegates and alternates, bishops and spouses, dignitaries, visitors, musicians, and other guests—will receive a tangible reminder of God’s love and the prayers of us, the host conferences. This is hospitality that exceeds expectations!
Mt Bethel has EXCEEDED our goal of 25 scarves. If you wish to continue making scarves, the additional scarves will be given to people in need.
The scarves were initially planned as a practical solution to drafty, overly-air-conditioned convention center spaces. Quickly, they became a symbol of the Dakotas-Minnesota Host Committee’s intention to provide radical hospitality, emphasize our oneness in Christ, and create a memorable experience for ALL attendees. Excitement spread across our three-state area, simple purple yarn is being transformed into gifts of love and prayers for the future of Our Denomination.
Because of Congregations' generous response to the Lydia Project, EVERY participant at General Conference 2020—delegates and alternates, bishops and spouses, dignitaries, visitors, musicians, and other guests—will receive a tangible reminder of God’s love and the prayers of us, the host conferences. This is hospitality that exceeds expectations!
Spring 2019 The Gertens fundraiser this year will not involve ordering particular plants to be delivered. Instead, Mt Bethel is offering the opportunity of unlimited choice by shopping at Gertens greenhouse. The sale of Gertens PLANT Shopping Cards is being coordinated by the Scrip table with 15% of all sales returned to the church. Half of earnings will go to the General Ministry Fund, the other half will be put in the Gertens Fundraiser Account. Typically, funds are used to offset Mt Bethel's landscaping expenses. The cards are PLANT cards and are for green and growing things.
A limited amount of cards are available on the Scrip table year round. You can also request any number of cards by getting the information to the Scrip table. Advance payment is appreciated; cards will be available within one week of ordering.
A limited amount of cards are available on the Scrip table year round. You can also request any number of cards by getting the information to the Scrip table. Advance payment is appreciated; cards will be available within one week of ordering.
UMCOR Sunday 2019 observed on March 31st
Our special offering directly affects the ability of the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) to respond immediately to disasters and other calamities.
Our special offering directly affects the ability of the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) to respond immediately to disasters and other calamities.
February 2019 record setting snowfall and March too continued the trend.- lots of weather...
3/9/2019 Due to dangerous weather conditions Sunday, March 10th 10am Worship is cancelled
3/7/2017 Mt Bethel Church is hoping and planning on churching Sunday morning March 10th at 10am. BUT, if the snow system that is forecast for Saturday afternoon into Sunday results in dangerous travel, the decision for cancelation will be announced Saturday evening. If Worship is canceled, it will be communicated Saturday evening here, on our Facebook page and by email.
3/9/2019 Due to dangerous weather conditions Sunday, March 10th 10am Worship is cancelled
3/7/2017 Mt Bethel Church is hoping and planning on churching Sunday morning March 10th at 10am. BUT, if the snow system that is forecast for Saturday afternoon into Sunday results in dangerous travel, the decision for cancelation will be announced Saturday evening. If Worship is canceled, it will be communicated Saturday evening here, on our Facebook page and by email.
Wednesdays in Lent: Five Lenten Potluck Forge Services on Wednesday nights, beginning March 13th at 6p: Potluck Appetizers served in the Fellowship Hall, decaffeinated hot & cold beverages provided or bring your own. AND 6p Forge Lent Worship.
Please sign up to bring an appetizer to our Five Lenten Potluck Forge Services on Wednesday nights: March 13, 20, 27, April 3,10. Potluck Appetizer sign-up on the hallway bulletin board.
Please sign up to bring an appetizer to our Five Lenten Potluck Forge Services on Wednesday nights: March 13, 20, 27, April 3,10. Potluck Appetizer sign-up on the hallway bulletin board.
This Lent and Easter season our focus is on The Gift of Forgiveness. God gives The Gift of Forgiveness through Jesus; You accept The Gift and forgive yourself, and then give The Gift to your family and friends, and even to your enemies. Ultimately, you become a Person of Forgiveness freely giving God's Gift to everyone you meet.
March 6, 6p • Ash Wednesday Worship
Wednesdays, 6p • Lenten Forge Worship: The Gift of Forgiveness
April 14, 10a • Palm Sunday Worship
April 18, 6p • Maundy Thursday
Passover Sader Meal
April 19, 6:30p • Good Friday
Tennebre Worship
April 21, 9-9:45a • Easter Breakfast
April 21, 10a • Easter Worship
April 24, 6p • Forge Easter Worship
Wednesdays, 6p • Lenten Forge Worship: The Gift of Forgiveness
April 14, 10a • Palm Sunday Worship
April 18, 6p • Maundy Thursday
Passover Sader Meal
April 19, 6:30p • Good Friday
Tennebre Worship
April 21, 9-9:45a • Easter Breakfast
April 21, 10a • Easter Worship
April 24, 6p • Forge Easter Worship
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
3:30p Wednesday Bible Study - Canceled &
6p Forge Worship - Canceled
due to dangerous driving conditions from heavy snowfall.
Forge Worship: record setting snow weather opportunity – You can "House Church Forge" with February's worship in review. The past weeks of Forge presentations CLICK HERE a slide show you can run-Worship from the comfort of your home/devices and be churching by reviewing previous presentations. The Forge presentation of Feb 6 & 13 will automatically start. Each slide 5 seconds and can be paused, you can click on the link to music video within the presentation.
3:30p Wednesday Bible Study - Canceled &
6p Forge Worship - Canceled
due to dangerous driving conditions from heavy snowfall.
Forge Worship: record setting snow weather opportunity – You can "House Church Forge" with February's worship in review. The past weeks of Forge presentations CLICK HERE a slide show you can run-Worship from the comfort of your home/devices and be churching by reviewing previous presentations. The Forge presentation of Feb 6 & 13 will automatically start. Each slide 5 seconds and can be paused, you can click on the link to music video within the presentation.
Who has the best burger around? The 2019 Great Neighbors’ Food Fight competition and fundraiser features delicious burgers from 5 local restaurants. 17 from Mt Bethel Chruch Purchased a $30 card ($510 !!) and are trying the burgers and casting their vote to help decide who wins. All Proceeds from card sales go towards Neighbors, Inc emergency & supportive service programs.
Contest Food Fight competition fundraiser from February 1 to March 31, 2019 One designated burger at each of the five participating restaurants, including: B-52 Burgers & Brew: The Hangover Burger. BLVD Bar + Grille: BLVD Bourbon Bacon Burger. Jersey’s Bar & Grill: Cheesiest Burger in MN. Kaposia Club: Stockyards Burger. Mississippi Pub: All American Burger.
Contest Food Fight competition fundraiser from February 1 to March 31, 2019 One designated burger at each of the five participating restaurants, including: B-52 Burgers & Brew: The Hangover Burger. BLVD Bar + Grille: BLVD Bourbon Bacon Burger. Jersey’s Bar & Grill: Cheesiest Burger in MN. Kaposia Club: Stockyards Burger. Mississippi Pub: All American Burger.
I Choose Joy Sermon Series:
Jan 13 - Our Happy God
Jan 20 - The Battle for Joy
Jan 27 - Fighting for Joy
Feb 3 - The Holy Spirit as a Weapon for Joy
Feb 10 - Joy in Obedience - Obedience is Joy!
Feb 17 - Ten Habits of Happy People
Feb 24 - Fighting for Joy in the Darkness
Mar 3 - Joy for Eternity
For King & Country Joy. story video
For King & Country Joy. lyric video
Jan 13 - Our Happy God
Jan 20 - The Battle for Joy
Jan 27 - Fighting for Joy
Feb 3 - The Holy Spirit as a Weapon for Joy
Feb 10 - Joy in Obedience - Obedience is Joy!
Feb 17 - Ten Habits of Happy People
Feb 24 - Fighting for Joy in the Darkness
Mar 3 - Joy for Eternity
For King & Country Joy. story video
For King & Country Joy. lyric video
In my Father's House there is a place for me - I'm a Child of God
February 1, 2019 - Gaye Phillips is home with Jesus!
Gaye's Celebration of Life service: Friday, February 8th, 11am at Mt Bethel Church, luncheon following celebration in the Fellowship Hall.
Visitation for Gaye Phillips, Thursday Feb 7, 4p-7pm at Kandt Tetrick Funeral Home 140 8th Ave N. South St Paul.
Also, visitation Friday morn, Feb. 8th at Mt Bethel Church 10-11am prior to her service.
At this sad time, may Dick and family, be comforted by our care, our thoughts and prayers.
Gaye's Celebration of Life service: Friday, February 8th, 11am at Mt Bethel Church, luncheon following celebration in the Fellowship Hall.
Visitation for Gaye Phillips, Thursday Feb 7, 4p-7pm at Kandt Tetrick Funeral Home 140 8th Ave N. South St Paul.
Also, visitation Friday morn, Feb. 8th at Mt Bethel Church 10-11am prior to her service.
At this sad time, may Dick and family, be comforted by our care, our thoughts and prayers.
February 3, 2019 - Wanda Roesler is home with Jesus!
Wanda Roelser’s Celebration of Life service: Saturday, February 9, 11am at Mt Bethel Church, luncheon following celebration in the Fellowship Hall.
Visitation Saturday morn, Feb. 9th at Mt Bethel Church 10-11am prior to her service.
Prayers that God’s caring, comforting presence will surround the Roelser family. May the reality of heaven’s Joy Wanda is now experiencing bring comfort to their hearts.
Wanda Roelser’s Celebration of Life service: Saturday, February 9, 11am at Mt Bethel Church, luncheon following celebration in the Fellowship Hall.
Visitation Saturday morn, Feb. 9th at Mt Bethel Church 10-11am prior to her service.
Prayers that God’s caring, comforting presence will surround the Roelser family. May the reality of heaven’s Joy Wanda is now experiencing bring comfort to their hearts.
Due to extreme cold Wednesday, Jan 30th Bible Study is Cancelled and Forge Worship is Cancelled.
Canceling Jan 30th Forge due to extreme cold.... YET, taking non-traditional worship to a cold weather opportunity extreme – You can "House Church Forge" with January's worship in review. The past weeks of Forge presentations CLICK HERE a slide show you can run from the comfort of your home/devices and be churching by reviewing previous presentations. The Forge presentation of (Jan 23, 26, 9 & 2) will automatically start. Each slide 5 seconds and can be paused, you can click on the link to music video within the presentation. Jan 2nd presentation is Rob Bell’s “Breathe”.
Canceling Jan 30th Forge due to extreme cold.... YET, taking non-traditional worship to a cold weather opportunity extreme – You can "House Church Forge" with January's worship in review. The past weeks of Forge presentations CLICK HERE a slide show you can run from the comfort of your home/devices and be churching by reviewing previous presentations. The Forge presentation of (Jan 23, 26, 9 & 2) will automatically start. Each slide 5 seconds and can be paused, you can click on the link to music video within the presentation. Jan 2nd presentation is Rob Bell’s “Breathe”.
Celebration Sunday: -9 degrees outside but we were warm in fellowship as we gathered Sunday, January 27th for I Choose Joy worship and a potluck following Celebrating many of the 2018 ministries at Mt Bethel Church of the Gospel in Action. Invites went out to regular and not so regular attenders for: Celebration Sunday, on January 27 immediately following the worship service at 11:30a in the Fellowship Hall. A delicious potluck meal together, watching a slide show with images from the last year from our church community. We laughed along with Ole and Lena (Pastor Dave & Jeanie) and heard words of inspiration and motivation for the coming year from some of our key leaders. A wonderful time of celebration.

Annual Epiphany Service at the Old Salem Shrine will have a Candlelight Service on January 6, 2019 at 4:30 P.M. Rev. Laurie Boche, former pastor with Hope United Methodist Church in Duluth, MN lead the worship. Rev. David Brown, former pastor from Mount Bethel United Methodist Church brought the message. Due to mild January weather many came (a packed room) and experienced an old-fashioned service as it was in the 1800’s including candles, lanterns, wood stove, while singing Christmas carols by the antique pump organ. Old Salem is located on Upper 55 th St. (formerly Salem Church Road) between Robert St. and Babcock Trail in Inver Grove Heights.