Scroll down and reflect on the goodness and blessings of Giving is Worship - giving of time, talents and resources. Offering Christ, With blessings and thanks for your generosity, Mt Bethel Church
One of many Joys shared: Pastor Dave’s ministerial career attendees and testimonies; from Plymouth, St Croix & Mt Bethel, House Churches and seminary too, and his family.
1st Sunday of Chirstmas, December 31st, 2017 Pastor David Brown
Sermon series: Light the Way Matthew 2:1-12 Taking a God-Led Journey” from Pastor Dave Brown.
God’s People respond to God’s call. The Wise men were not about a fresh start but about Worship for ALL people.
a) Pay Attention to the signs, the Wise Men saw the Star as a sign. God is giving us signs today – are we paying attention? Who or what is leading you to Jesus?
b) Pay attention to the Words of Jesus. Live by them, live out The Words of Christ.
c) Bring Gifts and Worship Him. Following Wise Men example – Come, approach God – Worship is a state of the heart and of the soul. Worship is Jesus at the center. Worship is experiencing forgiveness. Worship is God loves me – so much he calls me by name to walk with Him. (worship is not weekly, it is daily)
1st Sunday of Chirstmas, December 31st, 2017 Pastor David Brown
Sermon series: Light the Way Matthew 2:1-12 Taking a God-Led Journey” from Pastor Dave Brown.
God’s People respond to God’s call. The Wise men were not about a fresh start but about Worship for ALL people.
a) Pay Attention to the signs, the Wise Men saw the Star as a sign. God is giving us signs today – are we paying attention? Who or what is leading you to Jesus?
b) Pay attention to the Words of Jesus. Live by them, live out The Words of Christ.
c) Bring Gifts and Worship Him. Following Wise Men example – Come, approach God – Worship is a state of the heart and of the soul. Worship is Jesus at the center. Worship is experiencing forgiveness. Worship is God loves me – so much he calls me by name to walk with Him. (worship is not weekly, it is daily)
(MOE) Missions, Outreach and Evangelism 2017, MOE's offerings of countless hands & feet investment of time and talents and financial ($4924) in our Inver Grove Heights community and beyond offered to: MN Adult and Teen Challenge, Neighbors Food Shelf, Hilltop Elementary family in need/multi day housing expense, multiple Hilltop Elementary staff encouragements, Easter Brunch meal/supplies, Listening House, East African Outreach, Wycliffe Bible Translators, Se Luz Ministries, JJWessmann Israel Missionary, Feed My Starving Children, Cards/members & friends of MtB encouragement, Be The Tool – mission support, Christoph Gorder Missionary, Back To School Bash purchase of backpacks, Night to Unite, ABM staff appreciation, UMCOR, 3 attendees to River Valley District Outreach training, Trunk or Treat, Samaritan’s Purse OCC shipping, IGH Fire and IGH Police Department hospitality.
Message series:
Light The Way 1 John 1 5-10 This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us. (niv) Our 2017 Christmas Offering - We are continued our commitment to Reach, Renew, Rejoice as our Minnesota Annual Conference raises funds to plant new churches and revitalize and renew others in Minnesota. As we move into our future with a positive plan for reaching Inver Grove Heights, we could be eligilbe to receive funds in the future. |
December 20, 2017 - .... fiddle sticks... Our last Bible Study of 2017 and we missed out taking a group photo. Well, let me tell you about it.... you would of seen the smiling faces of Sandy, Deloris, Barb, Kathy, Karen, Judy, Polly and Pastor Dave. In conclusion of our Hebrews study we blessed Pastor Dave as he enters "retirement". This past year we have studied Revelation and Hebrews. From when we started Bible Study with Pastor Dave a few years ago - a self-assessment is we have grown in our skills to study God's Word. Here's the outline... verse, paragraph, chapter and book. Five parts of Bible study: 1) Observation: What do you see? 2) Interrogation: Ask questions. Bringing parts into the whole. 3) Interpreting: What does it mean? Be simple. 4) Correlation: Other scripture(s) to support. 5) Application: The purpose for me today.

Sunday, December 17th following our All Church meeting and unanimous approval of 2018 General Ministry Budget (Thank you Finance Team and Ad Board Leadership for all your good works in developing the 2018 Budget), ....
We hosted a Retirement Celebration for Pastor Dave and Lisa Brown in the Narthex with a cake reception. Click image and view a slide show reflecting Pastor Dave's Pastoral leadership at Mt Bethel. He launched us into actively serving our community "Offering Christ".
click image to view slide show.
We hosted a Retirement Celebration for Pastor Dave and Lisa Brown in the Narthex with a cake reception. Click image and view a slide show reflecting Pastor Dave's Pastoral leadership at Mt Bethel. He launched us into actively serving our community "Offering Christ".
click image to view slide show.
We are grateful to Dave Nuckols for coming to enlighten us on Wednesday, December 13.
We hosted a seminar led by Pastor Dave and Dave Nuckols, the Annual Conference lay leader that will discuss the General Conference work of the Commission on a Way Forward as the whole church seeks to make a decision about who we are as United Methodists and how we adapt to the changing cultural/religious norms in regards to the LGBTQ community.
Dave Nuckols is Conference Co-Lay Leader for Minnesota Annual Conference, Treasurer of the UMC's global Connectional Table and Member of the Commission on a Way Forward. Dave and his wife Karin have two twenty-something daughters one of whom is queer, and this fact-of-life propelled Dave to study Scripture and also Methodist polity related to the topic of homosexuality. Dave is delighted by the ministry and growth of his local church Minnetonka UMC and optimistic for the future of our denomination.
We hosted a seminar led by Pastor Dave and Dave Nuckols, the Annual Conference lay leader that will discuss the General Conference work of the Commission on a Way Forward as the whole church seeks to make a decision about who we are as United Methodists and how we adapt to the changing cultural/religious norms in regards to the LGBTQ community.
Dave Nuckols is Conference Co-Lay Leader for Minnesota Annual Conference, Treasurer of the UMC's global Connectional Table and Member of the Commission on a Way Forward. Dave and his wife Karin have two twenty-something daughters one of whom is queer, and this fact-of-life propelled Dave to study Scripture and also Methodist polity related to the topic of homosexuality. Dave is delighted by the ministry and growth of his local church Minnetonka UMC and optimistic for the future of our denomination.
Hanging of the Greens December 2nd: Under the direction of our Worship Team and the breakfast making efforts of Dean Freer and others we gathered to prepare our Sanctuary and Narthex for Advent and Christmas worship. We gathered at 8:30a for pancakes and sausage, brief devotions by Pastor Dave, directions - instructions given by Kathy B. and over 18 of us were off to making ready the Sanctuary and more... The theme, Light The Way. Our first week of Advent we also hosted Communion and our District Superintendent, Rev Cynthia Willliams delivered the message from Psalm 80.
Interim Pastoral appointment: November 29, 2017 the Cabinet of the Minnesota Annual Conference and the co-chairs of the Board of Ordained Ministry, the Reverends Emil and Penelope (Penny) Eberhart agree to provide .50 time pastoral leadership, shared equally for Mt Bethel Church from January 1, 2018 – June 30, 2018. Rev Email and Rev. Penny will be appointed in retired status to the Mt Bethel congregation and will be considered under the care of the District Superintendent, Cynthia Williams. Rev. Emil and Penny Eberhart will act as “senior co-pastors in charge” during this period of ministry with Mt Bethel United Methodist Church. Welcome Pastors Emil and Penny!
November: Generous giving to Neighbors food shelf: The last week in November 183 pounds of food from our 21st Centery's Altar cornucopia delivered to Neighbors Inc Food Shelf. Plus the previous week's delivery of 356 pounds = 539 pounds to the Food Shelf this November. Thanksgiving Eve ecumencial Worship, over $400 was gathered in $$ offering for the Food Shelf too by attendees from New Heights Community, River Heights Vinyard and Mt Bethel Chruches. Addtionally in November timing can be everything - Sundays November 5th and 12th, offerings were $250 designated for Neighbors Food Shelf delivered which was delivered by our Treasurer on Give to the Max Day, which a very generous anonymous donor offered a dollar for dollar match Totaling $500 for the food shelf!
Over 500 pounds in food and nearly $1000 to fill the food shelves. Thanks be to God! |
Mt Bethel & New Heights Churches hosted Inver Grove's (Ecumenical) community Worship, Message delivered by Pastor Peter Benedict of River Heights Vineyard Church. Scripture Philippians 4:6-7 Message: “Living in Peace”. Offerings gathered are directed to Neighbors Food Shelf. Following worship we shared in pie fellowship.
November 8, 2017
Dee Fritz is in God's Glory! Dee's Celebration of Life service; Friday, November 17th, 11am at Mt Bethel Church with ice cream following service. Internment Fort Snelling National Cemetery 1pm.
Dee Fritz is in God's Glory! Dee's Celebration of Life service; Friday, November 17th, 11am at Mt Bethel Church with ice cream following service. Internment Fort Snelling National Cemetery 1pm.
We, Mt Bethel Church and New Heights Community Church gathered together for joint worship and for Thanksgiving dinner (turkey and ALL the fixings)
Sunday, November 5th, All Saints Day Worship is an opportunity to give thanks for all those who have gone before us in the faith, especially those family and friend this past year. Come worship and remember.
We began collecting items for Operation Christmas Child in the summer and by November we had multiple tubs filled with items to pack into boxes. Items to wow a boy or girl and items to support hygiene. Some folks packed boxes at home and brought them into the Sanctuary to be blessed. Between packed boxes brought, New Heights Church shoeboxes and the boxes packed November 2nd at 5pm. A heaping grocery cart of boxes was transported to the distribution center.
Our first Trunk or Treat event, meeting the neighborhood Monday, October 30th was a chilling success!! Over 100 attendees. A running count of 92 kids meeting our 14 Trunks. Click for photos here. Everyone was in costume; witch, carpenter, plumber, cow, Gopher fans and Minnesota Nice. Thank you to the many who participted with your prayers, candy-treats-scarfs donation and Trunk.
Dan Glenn presented this message to Oct 22nd, Worship attenders.
I am here as Administrative Council Chairman to inform you of the ongoing strategic planning for Mt. Bethel's future. I would like to share with you the facts as we know them with regards to the future of the church and it's place in our community.
The average age of attendee at our worship service is 67. This number is representative of the United States as a whole as the population ages, and as younger people increasingly do not attend traditional churches. It also speaks to our future at Mt. Bethel, as this average age continues to rise and the raw number of attendees drops, the church will ultimately not remain viable. Obviously, something will need to change if Mt. Bethel is to survive and thrive.
To understand history is to acknowledge change. We do not worship as John Wesley did, but that is reflective of our time and culture. Christianity has adapted. Similarly, times have changed in the 50 plus years of Mt. Bethel's existance, and our congregation and service are not the same as they were then. Now, as we move forward, it is important to embrace change to be accomodating to another generation (or two) as they seek the love and comfort of a life with Christ.
Our recent uncertainty with our rental tenant has underscored the financial position of our church and it's depencence on ABM for the financial support that it provides.
To address this issue, the Ad Council is looking at getting in to a lease agreement, if possible, that will secure the agreement for 2 or 3 years. With that time line, it is hoped that we can grow our church to the point that we will no longer be dependent on an outside renter for our financial needs.
An ad hoc committee has been appointed by the board to look at ways to grow the church. All options are, and should be on the table. Growth will require changes on our part. Those changes include, but are not limited to community outreach, inviting others to attend worship, changing worship service to better attract new and younger members, and better marketing the church itself through improvements (signage, parking lot).
A closer relationship with New Heights also needs to be explored. They have new ideas, and a younger congregation than can greatly benefit us if we are open to them as our fellow Christians. They are already in our space and have shown a willingness to work with us.
I have heard it said that some of our members are worried about losing our "identity. If one looks at our identity as a church in decline, then maybe losing our identity is a good thing.. But I realize that Mt. Bethel is much more than that, it is a force for good in our community and the greater world. We need to make sure that it will have a resurgence that will enable it to serve others.
As we will have a new pastor soon, this is the perfect time to embrace a change. If we can make changes, work together and not pull apart, then we will be successful in making Mt. Bethel strong again. If not, then I fear that Mt. Bethel will eventually cease to exist.
I am here as Administrative Council Chairman to inform you of the ongoing strategic planning for Mt. Bethel's future. I would like to share with you the facts as we know them with regards to the future of the church and it's place in our community.
The average age of attendee at our worship service is 67. This number is representative of the United States as a whole as the population ages, and as younger people increasingly do not attend traditional churches. It also speaks to our future at Mt. Bethel, as this average age continues to rise and the raw number of attendees drops, the church will ultimately not remain viable. Obviously, something will need to change if Mt. Bethel is to survive and thrive.
To understand history is to acknowledge change. We do not worship as John Wesley did, but that is reflective of our time and culture. Christianity has adapted. Similarly, times have changed in the 50 plus years of Mt. Bethel's existance, and our congregation and service are not the same as they were then. Now, as we move forward, it is important to embrace change to be accomodating to another generation (or two) as they seek the love and comfort of a life with Christ.
Our recent uncertainty with our rental tenant has underscored the financial position of our church and it's depencence on ABM for the financial support that it provides.
To address this issue, the Ad Council is looking at getting in to a lease agreement, if possible, that will secure the agreement for 2 or 3 years. With that time line, it is hoped that we can grow our church to the point that we will no longer be dependent on an outside renter for our financial needs.
An ad hoc committee has been appointed by the board to look at ways to grow the church. All options are, and should be on the table. Growth will require changes on our part. Those changes include, but are not limited to community outreach, inviting others to attend worship, changing worship service to better attract new and younger members, and better marketing the church itself through improvements (signage, parking lot).
A closer relationship with New Heights also needs to be explored. They have new ideas, and a younger congregation than can greatly benefit us if we are open to them as our fellow Christians. They are already in our space and have shown a willingness to work with us.
I have heard it said that some of our members are worried about losing our "identity. If one looks at our identity as a church in decline, then maybe losing our identity is a good thing.. But I realize that Mt. Bethel is much more than that, it is a force for good in our community and the greater world. We need to make sure that it will have a resurgence that will enable it to serve others.
As we will have a new pastor soon, this is the perfect time to embrace a change. If we can make changes, work together and not pull apart, then we will be successful in making Mt. Bethel strong again. If not, then I fear that Mt. Bethel will eventually cease to exist.
September 20, 2017
Larry Rue is in God's Glory! Larry's Celebration of Life service; Monday, Sept 25th at Mt Bethel Church. Visitation 10am, Service, 11am with lunch following. Visitation also: 3-6 PM Sunday at Roberts Funeral Home, 8108 Barbara Ave., Inver Grove Heights.
Prayers for his beloved Mary and family to be comforted by the many thoughts and prayers of love sent their way.
Larry Rue is in God's Glory! Larry's Celebration of Life service; Monday, Sept 25th at Mt Bethel Church. Visitation 10am, Service, 11am with lunch following. Visitation also: 3-6 PM Sunday at Roberts Funeral Home, 8108 Barbara Ave., Inver Grove Heights.
Prayers for his beloved Mary and family to be comforted by the many thoughts and prayers of love sent their way.
10/12/2017 Bummer, Due to low vendor response, we will cancel this year's Fall Boutique. We received a total of 10 vendors at this time, compared to 22 last year, for spaces/tables. Maybe more would come as a late request, but for planning, we feel we needed to make a decision, and that is to cancel it.

UMCOR is currently working with disaster coordinators teams in Florida, Louisiana and Texas to provide relief to the many people whose lives are being impacted by hurricanes. You may still make a financial donation to assist those whose lives are impacted by Irma and Harvey, go online to UMCOR to donate 100% of donations given to UMCOR-US Disaster Relief is directed to US disaster relief. UMCOR - United Methodist Committee On Relief is grateful for our relentless prayers and support. The months of September members and friends of Mt Bethel donated $950 and from Mt Bethel Church mission's fund, $1050. Total $2000.

Monthly, January to October we have gathered at the Eagan MN location to actively participate in the assembly process of My Starving Children. Quarterly Mt Bethel Church makes an offering of $200 to support this Christian organization financially in addition to offerings made by attendees. Thank you to our Linda B who schedules the packing for Us, Mt Bethel Church and our friends of New Heights Community Church.

1 Peter 4 8-11 (niv) Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.
Click here to view photos. The 11th Annual Back to School Bash, Saturday, August 19th. 11am-1pm was a Godly day of the IGH community coming TOGETHER to offer a helpful start to the school year to many in the community whether in receiving or giving... in the name of Jesus.
Thank you to: local businesses, IGH Police & Fire, Friends of the Library, Dakota County Library, Neighbors Inc, Inver Grove School District, Inver Grove Inver Hills Church, New Heights Community Church, River Heights Vineyard Church, St Patrick's Church, Mt Bethel Church and more....
This annual local IGH ecumenical ministry event celebrates the gift of learning with food, games and fellowship for the IGH community and beyond. Learning is celebrated by providing 1100 plus backpacks with school supplies given FREE to local elementary, middle school and high school kids in need, AND- new and gently used clothing and children's books available too. No pre-registration was required. Backpacks, clothing and books were distributed on first come first serve basis. Thank you to our host location for this community event, our neighbors, St. Patrick's Church.
Mt Bethel Church made offering of $500 to the purchase of 1100 backpacks, 3 car-full of clothing and a grocery cart overflowing of new school supplies. Here is what was assembled into each backpack, grade level basics:
Pre Kindergarten: 1 Crayon, 1 Water Color, 2 Glue Sticks
K, 1st, 2nd: 2 Folders, 2 Wide Lined Notebooks, 1 Box Crayons, 1 Marker, 2 Pencils, 1 Glue Bottle, 2 Glue Sticks, 1 Pink Eraser, 1 Scissors.
3rd, 4th, 5th: 3 Folders, 2 Wide Lined Notebooks, 1 Package Wide Line Loose Leaf Paper, 1 Marker or Colored Pencils, 3 Pencils, 1 Red Pen, 1 Highlighter, 1 Glue Bottle or Glue Stick, 1 Pink Eraser.
6th, 7th, 8th: 3 Folders, 3 College Ruled Notebooks, 1 College Loose Leaf Paper, 1 Marker or Colored Pencils, 4 Pencils, 1 Red Pen, 2 Black or Blue Pens, 1 Highlighter, 1 Glue Bottle, 1 Pink Eraser.
9th, 10th, 11th, 12th: 3 College Ruled Notebook, 1 Comp Book, 4 Pencils, 1 Red Pen, 3 Black Pens, 3 Blue Pens, 1 Highlighter.
Click here to view photos. The 11th Annual Back to School Bash, Saturday, August 19th. 11am-1pm was a Godly day of the IGH community coming TOGETHER to offer a helpful start to the school year to many in the community whether in receiving or giving... in the name of Jesus.
Thank you to: local businesses, IGH Police & Fire, Friends of the Library, Dakota County Library, Neighbors Inc, Inver Grove School District, Inver Grove Inver Hills Church, New Heights Community Church, River Heights Vineyard Church, St Patrick's Church, Mt Bethel Church and more....
This annual local IGH ecumenical ministry event celebrates the gift of learning with food, games and fellowship for the IGH community and beyond. Learning is celebrated by providing 1100 plus backpacks with school supplies given FREE to local elementary, middle school and high school kids in need, AND- new and gently used clothing and children's books available too. No pre-registration was required. Backpacks, clothing and books were distributed on first come first serve basis. Thank you to our host location for this community event, our neighbors, St. Patrick's Church.
Mt Bethel Church made offering of $500 to the purchase of 1100 backpacks, 3 car-full of clothing and a grocery cart overflowing of new school supplies. Here is what was assembled into each backpack, grade level basics:
Pre Kindergarten: 1 Crayon, 1 Water Color, 2 Glue Sticks
K, 1st, 2nd: 2 Folders, 2 Wide Lined Notebooks, 1 Box Crayons, 1 Marker, 2 Pencils, 1 Glue Bottle, 2 Glue Sticks, 1 Pink Eraser, 1 Scissors.
3rd, 4th, 5th: 3 Folders, 2 Wide Lined Notebooks, 1 Package Wide Line Loose Leaf Paper, 1 Marker or Colored Pencils, 3 Pencils, 1 Red Pen, 1 Highlighter, 1 Glue Bottle or Glue Stick, 1 Pink Eraser.
6th, 7th, 8th: 3 Folders, 3 College Ruled Notebooks, 1 College Loose Leaf Paper, 1 Marker or Colored Pencils, 4 Pencils, 1 Red Pen, 2 Black or Blue Pens, 1 Highlighter, 1 Glue Bottle, 1 Pink Eraser.
9th, 10th, 11th, 12th: 3 College Ruled Notebook, 1 Comp Book, 4 Pencils, 1 Red Pen, 3 Black Pens, 3 Blue Pens, 1 Highlighter.

Night To Unite event. Here's a review: When: Tuesday, August 1st 6-8pm Where: Corner of 70th Street & Carmen Avenue, Mount Bethel Church lawn. What: An evening to gather with the neighborhood, 3-F's food, fellowship & fun. (provided a bouncy for kids which was busy throughout the event) Why: To get to know our neighbors, have fun and promote community. Who: The neighborhood, with four visits by Fire personnel, and visits by School and City leadership and our Police Department. Meal: Hot dogs, chips & root beer floats, ice cream cones and sundaes provided by Event Hosts: New Heights Community Church, and us, Mt Bethel United Methodist Church.
Attendees were extended an invite if they chose to bring food items for Neighbors Food Shelf which in return resulted in a FULL grocery cart that the Police helped out in delivering to Neighbors Inc. Click here to view photos from our practice of discipleship by building relationship with one another.
Attendees were extended an invite if they chose to bring food items for Neighbors Food Shelf which in return resulted in a FULL grocery cart that the Police helped out in delivering to Neighbors Inc. Click here to view photos from our practice of discipleship by building relationship with one another.

Neighbors Inc is a non-profit social-service agency located in South St. Paul MN, providing emergency assistance and supportive assistance programs to low-income community members in the northern Dakota County.
The Summer Meals Program is a partnership between the USDA, ISD #197, Special District #6 and Neighbors. The USDA provides the food, the schools provide an expert cafeteria staff person at each site, and Neighbors provides volunteers!
Volunteers – that is us; July 30th, August 1, 2 and 3, 2017, Mt Bethel Church provided the people power to serve breakfast (8:15-9:45am) at Kaposia Elementary in South St Paul. Click here to view photos of the joy in serving. An extra special thank you to our JoAnn N who boldly stepped out and said yes, Mt Bethel will help and coordinated our serving.
The Summer Meals Program is a partnership between the USDA, ISD #197, Special District #6 and Neighbors. The USDA provides the food, the schools provide an expert cafeteria staff person at each site, and Neighbors provides volunteers!
Volunteers – that is us; July 30th, August 1, 2 and 3, 2017, Mt Bethel Church provided the people power to serve breakfast (8:15-9:45am) at Kaposia Elementary in South St Paul. Click here to view photos of the joy in serving. An extra special thank you to our JoAnn N who boldly stepped out and said yes, Mt Bethel will help and coordinated our serving.

July 26th, We helped pack 294 boxes to feed 172 kids for a year by serving together in Jesus name. - Two options, day time option, 9:30-11:30am and evening 6p-7:30pm.
click image for pictures
click image for pictures

This summer instead of doing an All Church picnic at Pastor Dave and Lisa Brown's home they are hosting three "Sundae nights on the Porch” once each summer month. The dates: June 18, July 16 and August 27. We gathered at 6p having bowls full of ice cream, pie too plus the sweetness of fellowship. Some attended once and some to all. A delightful time resting in the goodness of the outdoors and indoors of the Brown's home. click here for photos
Click here to view video summaries of STORM camp 2017 Stewartville, MN July 9 - 15th 2017
Pastor Dave launched Sunday morn worship and Jake T was a 'driver' for the week. Click here and view a photo album from STORM camp Sunday July 19th worship: exploration of the meaning of “church”. As we rediscover who we are, may we apply that knowledge and understanding to our life together as the Body of Christ. |
Message series on the nature of the Church today. As we learn and grow together, we will reflect more and more the Body of Christ.
- I follow Jesus by claiming “I am dead to sin and alive to Christ” (Rm 6:1-12)
- I follow Jesus by declaring I am free from sin, I have abundant Life, and I am filled with Joy! (Romans 3:22)
- I follow Jesus by being in spiritual relationships with others (Acts 2:42)
- I follow Jesus by “not passing by” those in need. (Luke 10:37)
- I follow Jesus by tearing down walls between people. (Acts 10:9-41)
- I follow Jesus by being strong and courageous, trusting in God's promises. (Joshua 1)
- I follow Jesus by claiming “I am dead to sin and alive to Christ” (Rm 6:1-12)
- I follow Jesus by declaring I am free from sin, I have abundant Life, and I am filled with Joy! (Romans 3:22)
- I follow Jesus by being in spiritual relationships with others (Acts 2:42)
- I follow Jesus by “not passing by” those in need. (Luke 10:37)
- I follow Jesus by tearing down walls between people. (Acts 10:9-41)
- I follow Jesus by being strong and courageous, trusting in God's promises. (Joshua 1)

Celebrating Ministry in Action - Our annual mid-year All church meeting; potluck supper at 6:00p, and following supper together a meeting facilitated by our District Superintendent Rev Cynthia Williams. A summary of meeting minutes and work area reports is located here, just click

We helped pack 23,808 meals by serving together the evening of June 21st. - Two options, Day time option, Noon to 2pm and evening option 6p-7:30pm. Serve once, serve twice.... click image for pictures
Love Offering: The 2017 Annual Conference theme is "Encounter the Spirit: Live Expectantly" and our $125 along with other United Methodist Minnesotan's total is $73,192 to this year's 2017 Love Offering focus projects are:
United Methodist University of Sierra Leone (60%)—School of Applied Health Sciences Used to expand United Methodist University of Sierra Leone by creating a School of Applied Health Sciences in the city of Bo. Funds used for rehabilitating an existing classroom building, hiring staff, preparing a curriculum, and purchasing materials. The school, adjacent to United Methodist-affiliated Mercy Hospital, where students will receive practical, hands-on training. Midwives, nurses, community health officers, and technicians who graduate from this new institution will significantly improve the accessibility and quality of health care.
Emma Norton Services (30%) which helps women, children, and families achieve victory over homelessness, mental illness, and chemical dependency. Based in the Twin Cities Emma Norton provides safe, affordable housing supporting 50 women in transition at any given time, and 13 families on a permanent basis. In addition to housing, Emma Norton Services provides case management, peer and individual support programs, youth programs, life skills and out-of-poverty training, mental health support, and advocacy for women with disabilities. Families receive resources and coaching to equip them on their path toward stability.
Volunteers in Mission Scholarships (10% First-time participant scholarships) Mission trips transform the lives of participants by giving them an opportunity to grow in faith and gain a new perspective of the world. Through the United Methodist Church’s Volunteers in Mission program, teams spend up to 2 weeks working on mission projects domestically or abroad. Most teams from Minnesota are engaged in hands-on projects that build infrastructure to ensure that nutritional, medical, and educational programs in developing countries become sustainable and locally run.
United Methodist University of Sierra Leone (60%)—School of Applied Health Sciences Used to expand United Methodist University of Sierra Leone by creating a School of Applied Health Sciences in the city of Bo. Funds used for rehabilitating an existing classroom building, hiring staff, preparing a curriculum, and purchasing materials. The school, adjacent to United Methodist-affiliated Mercy Hospital, where students will receive practical, hands-on training. Midwives, nurses, community health officers, and technicians who graduate from this new institution will significantly improve the accessibility and quality of health care.
Emma Norton Services (30%) which helps women, children, and families achieve victory over homelessness, mental illness, and chemical dependency. Based in the Twin Cities Emma Norton provides safe, affordable housing supporting 50 women in transition at any given time, and 13 families on a permanent basis. In addition to housing, Emma Norton Services provides case management, peer and individual support programs, youth programs, life skills and out-of-poverty training, mental health support, and advocacy for women with disabilities. Families receive resources and coaching to equip them on their path toward stability.
Volunteers in Mission Scholarships (10% First-time participant scholarships) Mission trips transform the lives of participants by giving them an opportunity to grow in faith and gain a new perspective of the world. Through the United Methodist Church’s Volunteers in Mission program, teams spend up to 2 weeks working on mission projects domestically or abroad. Most teams from Minnesota are engaged in hands-on projects that build infrastructure to ensure that nutritional, medical, and educational programs in developing countries become sustainable and locally run.
Our MOE/ Mission Outreach Evangelism Team year-end gift of appreciation (One-scoop Peterson Popcorn & Ice Cream cone) for neighbors, Hilltop Elementary facility and staff was delivered the week of June 5, the last week of the 2016-2017 school year. Peterson Popcorn (across from Simley) partnered with us in the cool-treat appreciation. Worship attendees came early to worship to help write notes of gratitude for our neighbors down the street. The notes accompanied the coupon.

Old Salem Shrine held an Open House and the annual Founders’ Day Service on Sunday, June 4th at 3:00 P.M. Many came and enjoyed the experience of times gone by and experienced how our ancestors worshipped in 1860’s. The message for the service was delivered by Rev. Cynthia Williams, District Superintendent for the River Valley District of the United Methodist Church Conference. The message: "Revive Us Again. Scripture Psalms 80. Three times the Israelites cry out Psalm 80:3,7,19 "Restore us, O God; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved."
Old Salem is located on Upper 55th St. just one block east of Robert St. in Inver Grove Heights.
click here or image for photos.
June 4, 2017 Pentecost - wear Red Acts 2:1-21
On the Day of Pentecost, the disciples were gathered together in an Upper Room. They were waiting for a sign from God. At the sound of a mighty rushing wind, the Holy Spirit descended upon them. Like tongues of fire, the Holy Spirit rested on each one of them. That day the disciples were changed forever.
When the Holy Spirit touches us, we can never be the same. God comes to us in the presence of the Holy Spirit that we might be enabled to do God's will in the world. Change us, Lord, that we might feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. Set our hearts on fire for you, not just today, but every day. New Heights Community Church joined us in worship. Pastor Dan lead communion and our message from Lisa Rambo who was a contestant on 'The Biggest Loser' gave testimony of being changed. A daily read of Philippiens was her highs and lows encouragement. Again another good opportunity to join together for worship and invite a friend too. Following worship we shared in a Church potluck.
On the Day of Pentecost, the disciples were gathered together in an Upper Room. They were waiting for a sign from God. At the sound of a mighty rushing wind, the Holy Spirit descended upon them. Like tongues of fire, the Holy Spirit rested on each one of them. That day the disciples were changed forever.
When the Holy Spirit touches us, we can never be the same. God comes to us in the presence of the Holy Spirit that we might be enabled to do God's will in the world. Change us, Lord, that we might feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. Set our hearts on fire for you, not just today, but every day. New Heights Community Church joined us in worship. Pastor Dan lead communion and our message from Lisa Rambo who was a contestant on 'The Biggest Loser' gave testimony of being changed. A daily read of Philippiens was her highs and lows encouragement. Again another good opportunity to join together for worship and invite a friend too. Following worship we shared in a Church potluck.
From the Book of Ruth
I follow Jesus by choosing a new path of Living (Ruth 1)
I follow Jesus by being kind and blessing others. (Ruth 2)
I follow Jesus by letting go, listening to others, being all in (Ruth 3)
I follow Jesus by looking at the big picture of God’s work (Ruth 4)

For Teacher Appreciation Week the beginning of May, we provided to the Faculty & Staff at Hilltop Elm 250plus Peanut butter- chocolate Krispy bars and the BEST Krispy bars for all the staff at Hilltop.
The BEST Krispy Bars
Two – 10.5oz bags mini Marshmallows
1 stick + 2 Tablespoons Butter
One – 12oz Box Rice Krispy cereal
Sprinkles. Gotta have the Sprinkles.
1) Melt till smooth in large pan on stove top: Marshmallows & Butter. Stir frequently. (melt, not cook)
2) Remove from heat, Stir in Rice cereal.
3) Pour gooey mixture into greased cake pan.
4) With a grin on your face & joy filled thoughts,
5) Sprinkle gooey Krispy’s with Sprinkles.
Let the bars set for an hour, cut & serve.
The BEST Krispy Bars
Two – 10.5oz bags mini Marshmallows
1 stick + 2 Tablespoons Butter
One – 12oz Box Rice Krispy cereal
Sprinkles. Gotta have the Sprinkles.
1) Melt till smooth in large pan on stove top: Marshmallows & Butter. Stir frequently. (melt, not cook)
2) Remove from heat, Stir in Rice cereal.
3) Pour gooey mixture into greased cake pan.
4) With a grin on your face & joy filled thoughts,
5) Sprinkle gooey Krispy’s with Sprinkles.
Let the bars set for an hour, cut & serve.
Click here to view pics of us serving together 2017 at the Spring time Church work day April 22 at 8:30am inside and out . Serving Together this day too is Al & Darlene who celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary.

Easter Morning, 9-9:45a we, Mt Bethel Church and New Heights Church, we, offered Breakfast, fruit parfaits, pastries and egg bake. An opportunity for family and friends to gather in Jesus name and celebrate He Has Risen!!! before we gathered for awesome Easter Worship. Following worship kids participated in an egg hunt facilitated by New Heights Community Church. Easter Offering: Our Easter offerings totaling $954 will go to Reach Renew Rejoice to help us meet our pledge to plant new congregations in Minnesota. We are apart of the statewide goal of one new congregation a year for 10 years and assisting in the revitalizing of 20 congregations each year. Lives are being transformed by your generous giving in Jesus Name!!
In Lent, we made a commitment to: a) Regular Prayer, b) Anonymous Generosity,
c) Fast supper to supper. All for the purpose to grow in relationship with Jesus.
Our Wednesday night Lent 2017 Guest Speakers following our supper together were missionaries who have served world-wide and locally.
March 8: Malcolm Collins, East African Outreach Project, Twin Cities
March 15: Tim and Chris Gilmore, Wycliffe Bible Translators, Tanzania, Africa
March 22: Kali Pliego, Se Luz, Guatemala
March 29: John Gorder, Retired Lutheran Missionary: Central African Republic
April 5: JJ Weisman, missionary in Israel
Our Mission Evangelism Outreach - MOE team has directed $500, $100 each to the missionaries for support and care in transforming lives for Jesus.
Following April 5th, Missionary testimony, Dr. Christopher (Chris) Wallace, current Music Director and Organist for Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church of Edina (Minn.), gave a 30 minute showcase concert demonstrating our new repurposed Allen organ. Our organ was purchased with designated Offerings and Memorial Offerings.
c) Fast supper to supper. All for the purpose to grow in relationship with Jesus.
Our Wednesday night Lent 2017 Guest Speakers following our supper together were missionaries who have served world-wide and locally.
March 8: Malcolm Collins, East African Outreach Project, Twin Cities
March 15: Tim and Chris Gilmore, Wycliffe Bible Translators, Tanzania, Africa
March 22: Kali Pliego, Se Luz, Guatemala
March 29: John Gorder, Retired Lutheran Missionary: Central African Republic
April 5: JJ Weisman, missionary in Israel
Our Mission Evangelism Outreach - MOE team has directed $500, $100 each to the missionaries for support and care in transforming lives for Jesus.
Following April 5th, Missionary testimony, Dr. Christopher (Chris) Wallace, current Music Director and Organist for Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church of Edina (Minn.), gave a 30 minute showcase concert demonstrating our new repurposed Allen organ. Our organ was purchased with designated Offerings and Memorial Offerings.

Good news of generous sharing, March was the Statewide Food Share campaign, here at Mt. Bethel Church too. Thank you for your generous donations of food and money. Our MOE Team provided a matching Grant up to $500. Money and food shelf donations totaled $495 matched by the MOE Grant results in $990 to Neighbors Inc meeting the needs of Inver Grove Heights and South St. Paul families. Mt Bethel Church is a founding partner of Neighbors Inc. Neighbors Inc.
Sunday, March 26th UMCOR Sunday (formally known as One Great Hour of Sharing) Members and friends generously gave $175. UMCOR is a ministry of The United Methodist Church with the goal to assist the most vulnerable persons affected by crisis or chronic need without regard to their race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. We believe all people have God-given worth and dignity. UMCOR’s work reaches people in more than 80 countries, including the United States. UMCOR provides humanitarian relief when war, conflict, or natural disaster disrupt life to such an extent that communities are unable to recover on their own. UMCOR cooperates with other aid organizations to extend the reach. UMCOR provides survivors not only temporary relief but long-term education, training, and support. UMCOR spends 100 percent of designated donations on the projects our donors specify. When UMCOR donors give their time, money, and supplies, they join UMCOR as the hands and feet of Christ.
We joined together for supper and game-board fellowship.
Great Neighbors’ Food Fight Contest: February 1 to March 31, 2017. Local restaurants compete for “Chicken Wings” title and you help decide the winner. Members & friends of Mt Bethel purchased 13 Great Neighbors’ Food Fight cards at $30 each. Cards were redeem for wings at six local restaurants: B-52 Burgers & Brew, BLVD Bar + Grill, Cherokee Tavern, Jersey's Bar & Grill, Mississippi Pub, and The Coop.
ALL proceeds from the sales ($390) of the Great Neighbors’ Food Fight cards benefited Neighbors, Inc.
ALL proceeds from the sales ($390) of the Great Neighbors’ Food Fight cards benefited Neighbors, Inc.
Steps to Financial Freedom
In partnership with New Heights Community Church, we offered to members and friends a free 4- Week Seminar February 13 - March 6 on Managing Personal Finances using materials developed by Dave Ramsey. Attendees learned how to to set up their own financial plan and stick to it! Additionally, strategies of communicating about money with your spouse without fighting, Getting out of debt and stay out and facing uncertain economic times with confidence. The seminar was facilitated by Pastor Dan and Marsha Schauer.
In partnership with New Heights Community Church, we offered to members and friends a free 4- Week Seminar February 13 - March 6 on Managing Personal Finances using materials developed by Dave Ramsey. Attendees learned how to to set up their own financial plan and stick to it! Additionally, strategies of communicating about money with your spouse without fighting, Getting out of debt and stay out and facing uncertain economic times with confidence. The seminar was facilitated by Pastor Dan and Marsha Schauer.
2/8/2017 Grace and peace to you Friends, Last Sunday, February 5th, we talked about being the “salt of the earth” and the “light of the world”. I made the point that salt is the character of a Christian, the internal “fruit of the Spirit” (Galatians 5) that is what makes us Christian. The light its the manifestation of that in the world through our “good deeds”. When Christians do good deeds of justice and mercy, the light of Christ shines in the darkness of the world. I had an opportunity to let the light shine this week when one of our friends at Hilltop Elementary called to tell of a parent and her two children who had slept in her car the night before. They had been evicted from their home because it no longer met “section 8” housing standards. They had no where else to go. This hard working single mom needed some intervention. Because of our congregations’ contributions to Hilltop (notes of encouragement, purchase of “reserve” clothing for students, scarves (knitted by D. Hammer, volunteers for various events), the social worker thought we might be able to help. After a long conversation, I volunteered to pay for three nights lodging in a local motel. This will give the social worker and mom time to make new plans. A warm, safe place to sleep for the next couple of days will help her to make better decisions. I know the social worker was relieved that we were able to help. Please pray for this mother and her children, as they may have to move out of the school district and start over, again. And, others like her, that struggle every day with these same issues… and that there would be other Christians who let the light of Jesus shine! d.
January we took Pastor Dave's Worship Message on line for those that are absent on Sunday or away for the winter. The hope, members and friends of Mt Bethel will access the messages as we are in a critical time in our congregational life. Decisions will be made about our long term future and Pastor Dave hopes to lead us on a path that will bring us life and growth.
Bishop Ough issues statement on Trump immigration order Bishop Bruce R. Ough, resident bishop of the Dakotas-Minnesota Area of The United Methodist Church, released the following statement in a press conference held by the Minnesota Council of Churches, on Monday, Jan. 30, 2017, at Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church in Minneapolis:
Today, I stand with colleagues representing several faith traditions to strongly denounce President Trump’s widespread attack on immigrants and refugees. President Trump’s reckless, ill-conceived executive orders will divide families, impose a religious test for Muslims facing forced migration, penalize communities providing sanctuary, and wall off the United States from our neighbors. These actions are ... click to read more
Today, I stand with colleagues representing several faith traditions to strongly denounce President Trump’s widespread attack on immigrants and refugees. President Trump’s reckless, ill-conceived executive orders will divide families, impose a religious test for Muslims facing forced migration, penalize communities providing sanctuary, and wall off the United States from our neighbors. These actions are ... click to read more
Church II
Part of our church life is caring for one another. The first Wednesday of the month, October 2016 thru February 2017 from 6-7:30p we have participated in the small group form of worship called Church II. Studied the Book of Ephesians.
We share in a potluck supper, sing some favorite hymns, read scripture, a teaching and have discussion. We conclude with prayer.
Part of our church life is caring for one another. The first Wednesday of the month, October 2016 thru February 2017 from 6-7:30p we have participated in the small group form of worship called Church II. Studied the Book of Ephesians.
We share in a potluck supper, sing some favorite hymns, read scripture, a teaching and have discussion. We conclude with prayer.
MOE/ Mission Outreach Evangelism Team has gifts of encouragement (lip balm) for our neighbors, Hilltop Elementary facility and staff to be delivered in February. 1/22/2017 worship attended arrived early and stayed after to help write 120 notes of encouragement for each gift. The personal touch of each note is extra special.... your wise, kind, encouraging ..... A shout out to say, Thank you for sticking by kids. Read my lips-Thank you! Read my lips-You’re the Best! Thank you for all you do & say for kids and each other. Words like deeds are filled with hope & encouragement. Thank you! You’re the Balm Happy February! Love Inspire Teach Thanks for being who you are and doing what you do – you’re appreciated more than you know. They may forget what you said, but they will not forget how you made them feel. Teach, Encourage, Instruct, Mentor, Praise, Influence, Guide, Inspire, - You’re the Balm! Thank you for changing the world, one class at a time. Joy is seeing & hearing your students pretending to be the teacher. You were created to make a difference. Thank you for being the YOU… I want someone to look at me and say, ”Because of you I didn’t give up.” Just wanna say, It’s a good day for a good day! Just want to say, Peace, Love & Joy to you! Add a lip balm to each.
Minnesota is experiencing a drug epidemic unlike anything ever faced before. MN Adult & Teen Challenge is committed to raising awareness of the dangers of drugs and alcohol. MNTC offers a variety of treatment options to meet the needs of minors and adults. For more information on Minnesota’s Adult & Teen Challenge, explore their website, click here. Lives are being transformed. January 15, 2017 Mt Bethel and New Heights Churches gathered together to worship and experience the mission and ministry of MN Adult & Teen Challenge through testimony and song by a men’s choir. Redeemed. A note received from MN Teen Challenge 1/17/17. Pastor Dave,
We were so blessed by our visit Sunday. Your congregants loved on the clients and encouraged them to continue strong. The men will remember when you spoke of working with Prison Ministries and the man that compromised and ended up facing federal charges. They will remember how you encouraged them and spoke about compromise and building a strong support system (both faith and family). Our clients need the encouragement from individuals outside of Teen Challenge and you gave them exactly that. Thank you for believing in us and supporting us, we couldn’t serve the multitudes without it. Please continue to pray for the clients as they navigate their new life in Christ. Blessings to you in 2017, and we hope to see you in 2018. Shelli Lekson MN Teen Challenge
We were so blessed by our visit Sunday. Your congregants loved on the clients and encouraged them to continue strong. The men will remember when you spoke of working with Prison Ministries and the man that compromised and ended up facing federal charges. They will remember how you encouraged them and spoke about compromise and building a strong support system (both faith and family). Our clients need the encouragement from individuals outside of Teen Challenge and you gave them exactly that. Thank you for believing in us and supporting us, we couldn’t serve the multitudes without it. Please continue to pray for the clients as they navigate their new life in Christ. Blessings to you in 2017, and we hope to see you in 2018. Shelli Lekson MN Teen Challenge

Annual Epiphany Service at the Old Salem Shrine will be held on January 8, 2017 at 4:30pm. Rev Cindy Yanchury from Advent United Methodist Church, Eagan will lead worship. Come and experience an “Old Fashioned Christmas Service” as it was in 1800’s with the kerosene lanterns, wood stove and singing several carols with the pump organ. Click here a view a story INSIGHT 7 did on the 2015 Epiphany experience.
Old Salem was the first evangelical church in the State of Minnesota and the birthplace for several congregations throughout Dakota County. Let this service become a tradition for you and your family.
Old Salem Church is located on Upper 55th Street (between Robert Street and Babcock Trail) in Inver Grove Heights.
Old Salem was the first evangelical church in the State of Minnesota and the birthplace for several congregations throughout Dakota County. Let this service become a tradition for you and your family.
Old Salem Church is located on Upper 55th Street (between Robert Street and Babcock Trail) in Inver Grove Heights.