Advent - Christmas
Angels We Have Heard on High
Our music, Scripture and Pastor Dave's messages are centered around Angel messangers: Old Testament Angel Characteristics, and New Testament Angel witness: Zechariah, Mary, Joseph and the Sheperds. Members and friends of Mt Bethel gathered their angels together to create a heavenly host of angels decorating the sanctuary for Advent-Christmas time. Christmas Eve at 5pm and Day at 10am we gathered to share in the Christmas story through song and Word. Our prayer is that all people in the world would experience the grace and peace of God thorugh the Holy Spirit. Click here for photos of 2016 Christmas at Mt Bethel Church. Christmas Offering: Our Christmas offerings are to Minnesota’s United Methodist Annual Conference to help us, Mt Bethel Church and more, across the State of Minnesota plant new congregations. The goal of the United Methodist Churches in Minnesota is one new congregation a year for 10 years AND assisting in the revitalizing of 20 congregations each year. Thank you for the generous giving in Jesus Name to transform lives. Giving on line by clicking here is one option for giving.
Angels We Have Heard on High
Our music, Scripture and Pastor Dave's messages are centered around Angel messangers: Old Testament Angel Characteristics, and New Testament Angel witness: Zechariah, Mary, Joseph and the Sheperds. Members and friends of Mt Bethel gathered their angels together to create a heavenly host of angels decorating the sanctuary for Advent-Christmas time. Christmas Eve at 5pm and Day at 10am we gathered to share in the Christmas story through song and Word. Our prayer is that all people in the world would experience the grace and peace of God thorugh the Holy Spirit. Click here for photos of 2016 Christmas at Mt Bethel Church. Christmas Offering: Our Christmas offerings are to Minnesota’s United Methodist Annual Conference to help us, Mt Bethel Church and more, across the State of Minnesota plant new congregations. The goal of the United Methodist Churches in Minnesota is one new congregation a year for 10 years AND assisting in the revitalizing of 20 congregations each year. Thank you for the generous giving in Jesus Name to transform lives. Giving on line by clicking here is one option for giving.

December 14, 2016
Mt Bethel's Deloris H has crocheted scarfs for every kid in her neighborhood. Who is next? She has now enough scarfs for a classroom at Hilltop Elm. Deloris is pictured with the school nurse and social worker when she and Pastor Dave dropped off the scarfs. Word is the Early Childhood-Pre-school Program at Hilltop Elm needs scarfs. Deloris has begun crochetting for them.
If you have extra yarn and would like to pass it along to Deloris H, she is accepting donations for her crochet ministry for our Mt Bethel Church's neighborhood kids at Hilltop Elementary. Your yarn donations can be dropped off at church. Deloris' yarn preference is Red Heart Super Saver. Want to join Deloris in this project of warming the necks of neighborhood kids, she'd love to tell you about this ministry on Sunday mornings.
Mt Bethel's Deloris H has crocheted scarfs for every kid in her neighborhood. Who is next? She has now enough scarfs for a classroom at Hilltop Elm. Deloris is pictured with the school nurse and social worker when she and Pastor Dave dropped off the scarfs. Word is the Early Childhood-Pre-school Program at Hilltop Elm needs scarfs. Deloris has begun crochetting for them.
If you have extra yarn and would like to pass it along to Deloris H, she is accepting donations for her crochet ministry for our Mt Bethel Church's neighborhood kids at Hilltop Elementary. Your yarn donations can be dropped off at church. Deloris' yarn preference is Red Heart Super Saver. Want to join Deloris in this project of warming the necks of neighborhood kids, she'd love to tell you about this ministry on Sunday mornings.
![]() December 2016 Grateful hands, loving hands, friendly hands, willing hands, giving hands, strong, kind caring hands- Our Mission Outreach Evangelism Team facilitated a gift of encouragement for Hilltop Elementary facility and staff. Attendees to worship on Dec 11th helped write 120 hand notes which were attached to lotion. Pastor Dave delivered the notes and hand lotion gift the following week to Hilltop Elementary facility and staff. Teachers take a hand, open the mind and touch the heart. We are grateful.
UpperRoom Devotional from 12/26/16 One More Thing "Jesus still calls us to God’s perfection — to grow in our awareness of God’s grace and in our understanding of his call on our lives. Jesus calls us to do one more thing." |

Feed My Starving Children November 30, 2016 Lots of meals were packed with the helping hands and feet from Mt Bethel Church- Linda, Joe, Sherry, Ellen, Ben, Polly and from New Heights Church - Marsha, Nathan & Pastor Dan ... along with us a bus full of confirmation kids and their leaders from Hastings. Yes, 108 boxes, 23,328 meals packed in one hour and half, averaging 259 meals packed each minute. We were so busy packing, we didn't pause to get photos except for the summary of our evening. Our meals will go to Haiti supporting recovery from Hurricane Matthew. Mt Bethel Church made a $200 offering which will feed four children for a year. Thank you for generous serving and generous financial support in Jesus name.
Walk to End Hunger a family-friendly 5K fun walk held on Thanksgiving morning 7:00am-10:00am, in the Mall of America, was a great way to start the Thanksgiving holiday off right- giving back before you give thanks! Since its inception in 2008, the Walk to End Hunger has raised over $1.2 million to help support hunger relief organizations working to eliminate hunger in the Twin Cities metro area. 100% of our $1,760 Team: MOUNT BETHEL UMC donated dollars will go to support Neighbors Inc Food Shelf. Led by Team Captain Tim Bomstad, persons clicked and joined Team MOUNT BETHEL UMC by walk &/or a donation. Some made their donation through Sunday morn offering and other donated needed items. According to Neighbors Inc, $1760 will feed a family ($25/week) for 60 weeks or two families for 30 weeks. Click here for pictures. Our walkers: Terry Akemann, Al & Darlene Ashley, Dave & Lisa Brown, Alan Oferosky, Deb & Lyssa Schneider and Tim & Ellen Bomstad. Additionally over 60 pounds of food and hygine product was delivered to Neighbors Food Shel in November.
Thanks gathering: Giving thanks for the many blessings of the past year… Mt Bethel Church was invited to join New Heights Community Church for Thanksgiving dinner (turkey and all the fixings) on Sunday, Nov. 20th following worship (11:30a) in the Fellowship hall. Dinner was coordinated by New Heights Church with members of both churches contributing to the buffet meal. Click here for photos of giving thanks together. Thanksgiving Eve (Nov 23rd, 6:30pm) Mount Bethel Church and New Heights Community Church hosted an ecumenical worship service for our community; songs of gratitude, testimonies of thankfulness, scripture, a message from Pastor Dan Schauer. Following the benediction we gathered in the fellowship hall for pie. Thirty plus community members participated in worship of giving thanks and relationship building in Jesus name.

November 12 & 13, 2016 -A huge thank you for everyone that contributed to the Operation Christmas Child Project! We began gathering supplies for the shoeboxes in June. The gradual gathering of supplies resulted in much goodness. Ten of us had a fun time at the Packing Party/Potluck on Saturday afternoon Nov. 12th. Sixty-one boxes were delivered on Monday/14th to the drop off location so the shoeboxes have begin their journey to the hands of the child who the box was packed for. Click here for photos of packing and blessing. Thank you to the MOE, Mission, Evangelism and Outreach Team and our mission dollars that supported this project and paid $7 per box for the postage. Please continue to pray for safe passage for our Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes and for the children who will receive our boxes. Project Lead – Ellen Bomstad
Veterans Day 2016 Thank you to all our Veterans & military personnel and their family for the sacrifices you have made for our freedom. Veterans and their family and friends were invited to attend two area celebrations remembering and honoring Vereran's and their service to our freedom.
1) The students, faculty and staff of Eagan High School invited veterans and their families to the 10th Annual Veterans Day Recognition Assembly Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016 at 9am in the main gymnasium of Eagan High. (Due to a scheduling conflict the assembly was held on Wed. Nov 9. not the 11th of November) 8:15am, Social hour with coffee and donut/bagel breakfast in the Student Commons for Veterans and their families. 9am, 50-minute assembly will be held with Military Personal from the United States Armed Services as well as the Eagan High School student body. Click here for more information.
2) Also communicated was an invite to the Official State of Minnesota Official Veterans Day Event,November 11, 2016 at Veterans Memorial Community Center, here in Inver Grove Heights. There was a free breakfast from 8:30 to 9:30am followed by a program at 10am Click here for more information.
1) The students, faculty and staff of Eagan High School invited veterans and their families to the 10th Annual Veterans Day Recognition Assembly Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016 at 9am in the main gymnasium of Eagan High. (Due to a scheduling conflict the assembly was held on Wed. Nov 9. not the 11th of November) 8:15am, Social hour with coffee and donut/bagel breakfast in the Student Commons for Veterans and their families. 9am, 50-minute assembly will be held with Military Personal from the United States Armed Services as well as the Eagan High School student body. Click here for more information.
2) Also communicated was an invite to the Official State of Minnesota Official Veterans Day Event,November 11, 2016 at Veterans Memorial Community Center, here in Inver Grove Heights. There was a free breakfast from 8:30 to 9:30am followed by a program at 10am Click here for more information.
All Saints Sunday Worship we remember the glory of God in the saints who have gone before us. We use the New Testament definition of saints meaning of "all Christian people of every time and place." The Saints, text focus: Luke 20: 27-38 "...He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive.” Reading of the Names- Sue Lehman, Bob Landru, Jerry Rysavy, Ken Sickinger, Bob Borst, Garrison Tienter, Annie Pfeiffer, Marlys Erickson, Don Lawrence, Charles Wetheral, Margaret Silvi, Gordon Emerson, Ginny O'Hair, Joyce Lauer, Bruce Polkinghorne, MaryLou Wood Lamain, Conrad Villella, Vernita Borkenhagen, Bishop Emerson Calaw, and Roselyn Rysavy.
Our offerings at work to transform the world in Jesus Name. 2016 Missionary Support summary. Two very different opportunities lay before the newly-ordained pastor, John Wesley, (founder of the United Methodist Church). One was a stable position with the church in which he had been raised. The other was a missionary opportunity in a land far from home - America.
Mount Bethel United Methodist Church financially supports missionaries beyond our Inver Grove Heights, MN community:
Indigenous Ministries support of Jon and Jim Cook, $1,000
Wycliffe Bible Translators support of Tom and Mary Holman, $250
Laos United Methodist Church, Rev. Daniel Yang $500
United Methodist Church Dominican Republic, The Graners $500
Be the Tool, Rod Scofield $250
Feed My Starving Children $200 quarterly - $800 annually in addition to a quarterly packing team at the Eagan, MN facility.
Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes, $7 shipping cost for each box packed at Mt Bethel Church
Mount Bethel United Methodist Church financially supports missionaries beyond our Inver Grove Heights, MN community:
Indigenous Ministries support of Jon and Jim Cook, $1,000
Wycliffe Bible Translators support of Tom and Mary Holman, $250
Laos United Methodist Church, Rev. Daniel Yang $500
United Methodist Church Dominican Republic, The Graners $500
Be the Tool, Rod Scofield $250
Feed My Starving Children $200 quarterly - $800 annually in addition to a quarterly packing team at the Eagan, MN facility.
Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes, $7 shipping cost for each box packed at Mt Bethel Church

October 30, 2016 Celebrating the Good News of great Joy with "Christmas in October".
Oh my Goodness! What fun it was in worship as we were reminded of the 'Good News' of great JOY for ALL people. A Savior born & alive Today. Christmas is a REAL, feel good story about Joy. Choose JOY as a Jesus follower and in the coming weeks- Bring Joy to others. Be an Angel of Good News. Luke 2 1-10. Some of us chose to come to worship dressed as nativity characters and as Luke 2 was read we were able to bring the Good News to life. Oh yes, prior to the scripture and Pastor Dave's message, we played Christmas Wheel of Fortune. The winners, Ardie and Lora.
Oh my Goodness! What fun it was in worship as we were reminded of the 'Good News' of great JOY for ALL people. A Savior born & alive Today. Christmas is a REAL, feel good story about Joy. Choose JOY as a Jesus follower and in the coming weeks- Bring Joy to others. Be an Angel of Good News. Luke 2 1-10. Some of us chose to come to worship dressed as nativity characters and as Luke 2 was read we were able to bring the Good News to life. Oh yes, prior to the scripture and Pastor Dave's message, we played Christmas Wheel of Fortune. The winners, Ardie and Lora.
Oct 29th, We got to meet many from our community at our 2016 Craft Boutique - Craft Sale. Vendors and crafters got to market the outcomes of their talents along with visiting and a delicious Chicken noodle or Chili soup lunch. Again, a tremendous amount of appreciation to members and friends of the church for your faithfulness of communicating, attending, bring friends and active participation in our event. $1000 was raised for ministry to our community. click the image or here to see pictures.
Sunday, October 23rd, we actively participated in Be Blessed “Consecration Sunday” where we dedicate to God our financial giving intentions for the 2017 ministry year. We held a “mini brunch” beginning at 9.30a in the narthex. In worship we gathered our jingling piggy banks of dimes and quarters that totaled over $170 to bless the mission field of planting new churches in Minnesota; Reach Renew Rejoice.
If for some reason you were unable to attend Sunday's worship, piggy banks are still being accepted along with 2017 financial giving intentions. Our scripture focus 2 Corinthians 9: 6-15
If for some reason you were unable to attend Sunday's worship, piggy banks are still being accepted along with 2017 financial giving intentions. Our scripture focus 2 Corinthians 9: 6-15
HOPE! – July/August time catastrophic flooding in the Gulf states, (especially hard hit Louisiana), wildfires roared thru communities of parched Western States and September hurricane Matthew barreled through the Caribbean and Eastern costal United States. The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) was in contact with its partners in each region with immediate Relief, Help, and Hope.
Our donations make a difference, in August and September members and friends of Mt Bethel Church sent $794 to support UMCOR for disaster relief. Thank you for generous giving!
Relief donations are accepted on line click here or place your donation in Sunday worship's offering basket, designated UMCOR and Mt Bethel United Methodist Church will get your donation to UMCOR to make a difference and bring HOPE in recovery. We lift prayers too for hope filled attitudes, strength, perseverance, patience, safety of residents and relief workers. Click here to read more about what to donate in time of disaster.
Our donations make a difference, in August and September members and friends of Mt Bethel Church sent $794 to support UMCOR for disaster relief. Thank you for generous giving!
Relief donations are accepted on line click here or place your donation in Sunday worship's offering basket, designated UMCOR and Mt Bethel United Methodist Church will get your donation to UMCOR to make a difference and bring HOPE in recovery. We lift prayers too for hope filled attitudes, strength, perseverance, patience, safety of residents and relief workers. Click here to read more about what to donate in time of disaster.

The week of October 10th, 2016 on behalf of Mt Bethel Church, Pastor Dave delivered over 110 bags of impromptu encouragement of M & M's: Much & Many and Marvelous & Magnificent treats to the faculty and staff of Hilltop Elementary.
Tags read: Thanks for being such a Marvelous & Magnificent Teacher! and
Much & Many thanks for ALL you do. We really appreciate it!
An example of the gratitude WE received, email Subject: Day Brightener. Hello! After a rough day, I checked my mailbox and saw your note and the candy!. It was a day brightener! Thank you! Jane Cromie Hilltop Elementary
Tags read: Thanks for being such a Marvelous & Magnificent Teacher! and
Much & Many thanks for ALL you do. We really appreciate it!
An example of the gratitude WE received, email Subject: Day Brightener. Hello! After a rough day, I checked my mailbox and saw your note and the candy!. It was a day brightener! Thank you! Jane Cromie Hilltop Elementary
![]() September 21, 2016 we served together at Feed My Starving Children; boxed 62 meals, which converts to 3,392 meals which feeds 37 kids for a year at a cost of $2,946.24 Click here and view pics of us serving together.

Hello Fall! Our October time past practice is to head to Nelson's Apple Farm in Webster, MN and pick, glean the trees for Neighbors Food Shelf. This year Nelson's apple gleaning will not be happening. Unfortunately Nelson's Apple Farm lost 80-85% of their apple crop due to a freeze on May 14, when the apples were about dime size. The quality of the fruit Nelson's trees do have is very poor. They are grateful to other local orchards who are supplying them with apples for sale. Ross and Karen hope next year will be back to "normal" and have tree gleaning for the food shelves. "We really look forward to the church groups coming out to our orchard, but we will not have this opportunity this year for field gleaning. We hope some of the persons will come and visit our orchard anyway and buy some apples from us as we need the business. We are buying apples from other orchards in none freeze areas of the state. Visit us!" Ross & Karen Nelson click here for a map. Mon-Fri 3-6pm, Sat-Sun 10a-6p.

September 17, 2016- Phase I, Done! Bring on 1.5 & 2. In March, our Ad board recommended an investigation into a Sanctuary upgrade to address improving acoustics, hearing/articulation clarity. Working with AVE/ Audio Video Electronics rep Kerry, a three Phase upgrade was established. At our July Ad Board meeting, approval was given that launched Phase 1: application of wedged acoustical panels to the side walls of the sanctuary and two multi-directional microphones. A cost of $7000 in memorial dollars. Phase I.5 identified as acoustical panels applied to the back walls of sanctuary approx. $3000 cost and Phase II is a video projector, mount and equipment to implement wireless technology usage cost of $10,000.
Heart warmed gratitude for the memorial dollars used to purchase Phase I. Thank you to the muscle (Pastor Dave, Vern and Linda Emerson and an anonymous helper) that unloaded the FedEx truck receiving over 850 pounds of acoustical panels and got them moved to the sanctuary. Thank you to the Thursday Clean Team who moved lots of chairs out of the way for a scaffolding pathway and to Steve Watrud for the use of scaffolding for the project. A drilling thank you to our installers; Daniel Tabbert, Jake Tabbert, and the ground crew of Vern and Linda Emerson. Have got to give the stud finder a thank you! shout out too. Lastly thank you for the Prayers who prayed blessings over this project. I am humbly grateful for faith and hard work perseverance, project manager- Polly T.
Heart warmed gratitude for the memorial dollars used to purchase Phase I. Thank you to the muscle (Pastor Dave, Vern and Linda Emerson and an anonymous helper) that unloaded the FedEx truck receiving over 850 pounds of acoustical panels and got them moved to the sanctuary. Thank you to the Thursday Clean Team who moved lots of chairs out of the way for a scaffolding pathway and to Steve Watrud for the use of scaffolding for the project. A drilling thank you to our installers; Daniel Tabbert, Jake Tabbert, and the ground crew of Vern and Linda Emerson. Have got to give the stud finder a thank you! shout out too. Lastly thank you for the Prayers who prayed blessings over this project. I am humbly grateful for faith and hard work perseverance, project manager- Polly T.

September 11, 2016 In worship we remembered, honor and blessed our IGH First Responders; Fire Fighters, Police and EMT's. Living their faith as they respond, protect and serve our community. IGH Fire's Chief Instructor, Dan Bernardy gave testimony to serving is a family tradition and more.... Dan has served IGH Fire since 1986. Below his his Patriots Day 2016 message. Why should we serve others? "No king is saved by the size of his army; no warrior escapes by his great strength. A horse is a vain hope for deliverance; despite all its great strength it cannot save. But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love, to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine. We wait in hope for the Lord; He is our help and our shield." Psalm 33:16-20
Jesus taught us to wash other's feet. *On 11 September 2001, after the attack on the Pentagon, that selfless team effort between military personnel and civilian workers did not come as a surprise. Civilians and Soldiers struggled side-by-side to save each other’s lives, while together they ensured that critical operations around the world continued without loss of command and control. *Caregivers should always be looking for the best outcome FOR ALL, creating order where there is chaos, or a way they can help to create a fair and just world. They must be able to empathize- feel what the other person is feeling, or imagine themselves in another's shoes. Christian Caregivers are driven by factors such as FAITH, HOPE, AND CHARITY, and pray for solace for the victims families, their crew members, their own families, and themselves. "Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in every nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness." —Philippians 2:4-7
Put your beliefs into actions, be the change you want to see. "There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure. Dwight D Eisenhower. "Be of good courage, and let us behave ourselves valiantly for our people, and for the cities of our God: and let the Lord do that which is good in his sight." 1 Chronicles 19:13
Reflect each night, redirect each day. If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under. Ronald Reagan. " I have chosen the way of truth; I have set my heart on your laws. I hold fast to your statutes, O Lord. Do not let me be put to shame. I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free." Psalm 119:30-32
Be humble but strong. As a Christian American we all should: *strive to be an instrument of peace, * not oppress, * not bully. But make no mistake, it is your right and responsibility to: *defend the weak, * defend your family, * defend your way of life. "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy."Proverbs 31:8-9
Replace frustration with patience and perseverance. *Overcoming adversity means getting back up after getting knocked down. * It means pushing through a difficult and trying circumstance and not giving up. *It means we learn from the bad things that happen as well as the good. "Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." Romans 5:3-5.
Pray for the Lord's will to be done. We come from many and varied backgrounds, yet we work side-by-side to serve our country, communities and fellow citizens. Our family life is interrupted by emergency calls and inevitable dangers. We face new challenges daily. Challenges to our bodies, challenges to our minds and challenges to our spirit. We love our vocation and considerate it our calling.
Understanding that the Lord's will is not always in line with the outcome we desire is one of the most difficult parts of the caregivers world. "Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:30-31
Grace and Mercy. Forgive not Forget. "Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity." Colossians 3:13-14
Jesus taught us to wash other's feet. *On 11 September 2001, after the attack on the Pentagon, that selfless team effort between military personnel and civilian workers did not come as a surprise. Civilians and Soldiers struggled side-by-side to save each other’s lives, while together they ensured that critical operations around the world continued without loss of command and control. *Caregivers should always be looking for the best outcome FOR ALL, creating order where there is chaos, or a way they can help to create a fair and just world. They must be able to empathize- feel what the other person is feeling, or imagine themselves in another's shoes. Christian Caregivers are driven by factors such as FAITH, HOPE, AND CHARITY, and pray for solace for the victims families, their crew members, their own families, and themselves. "Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in every nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness." —Philippians 2:4-7
Put your beliefs into actions, be the change you want to see. "There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure. Dwight D Eisenhower. "Be of good courage, and let us behave ourselves valiantly for our people, and for the cities of our God: and let the Lord do that which is good in his sight." 1 Chronicles 19:13
Reflect each night, redirect each day. If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under. Ronald Reagan. " I have chosen the way of truth; I have set my heart on your laws. I hold fast to your statutes, O Lord. Do not let me be put to shame. I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free." Psalm 119:30-32
Be humble but strong. As a Christian American we all should: *strive to be an instrument of peace, * not oppress, * not bully. But make no mistake, it is your right and responsibility to: *defend the weak, * defend your family, * defend your way of life. "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy."Proverbs 31:8-9
Replace frustration with patience and perseverance. *Overcoming adversity means getting back up after getting knocked down. * It means pushing through a difficult and trying circumstance and not giving up. *It means we learn from the bad things that happen as well as the good. "Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." Romans 5:3-5.
Pray for the Lord's will to be done. We come from many and varied backgrounds, yet we work side-by-side to serve our country, communities and fellow citizens. Our family life is interrupted by emergency calls and inevitable dangers. We face new challenges daily. Challenges to our bodies, challenges to our minds and challenges to our spirit. We love our vocation and considerate it our calling.
Understanding that the Lord's will is not always in line with the outcome we desire is one of the most difficult parts of the caregivers world. "Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:30-31
Grace and Mercy. Forgive not Forget. "Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity." Colossians 3:13-14
Truck enthusiast unite! We helped advertise the opportunity to support a generous Christmas-time toy supporter of Neighbors Inc. This opportunity to serve event is just right for those with an interest in Big Rigs, the likes of: Kenworth, Volvo, Freightliner, Peterbilt, Western Star, Mack and more… Big Iron Classic, the largest truck show and charity drive in the Midwest, needed volunteers for security the evenings of September 9 & 10. The Big Iron Classic gave to Neighbors Inc, 24, huge (3feet x3feet) boxes of toys to be distributed to Northern Dakota County families.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016 Mt Bethel Church provided our neighbors down the street, 70 some, faculty & staff at Hilltop Elementary lunch during their pre-school workshop week. A lunch of; ham, turkey & cheese sandwiches, chips, potato salad, yogurt, beverage and mini candy bar takeaways. Our Mt. Bethel luncheon hosts, power prayers & more... Judy & Preau Alich, Mary & Riley Anich & Kathy Behrendt.
Posted the thank you's we received.... and Thank you too.
Posted the thank you's we received.... and Thank you too.
Thank you Pastor Dave and Lisa for a delightful picnic at your home and warm hospitality. Beautiful weather (sunny & 78 degrees), delicious food and grand fellowship. Click here for pictures.
Occasionally in our weekly e-newsletter it is asked ... How have you experienced God recently? Then encouraged, challenged to tell another.
2 Kings 4: 1-4 and Luke 6: 37-38. For our 2016 stewardship campaign Pastor Dave challenged us to do the “big ask” of ourselves, of God and of each other as we chart a course for the future and consider actions we need to take to make 2016 a great year for Mount Bethel Church and the Kingdom of God. Let us consider 2016 in just the past few weeks as a Body of Christ.... A blessed summertime… “good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over” Luke 6:38 … we are witnessing.
2 Kings 4: 1-4 and Luke 6: 37-38. For our 2016 stewardship campaign Pastor Dave challenged us to do the “big ask” of ourselves, of God and of each other as we chart a course for the future and consider actions we need to take to make 2016 a great year for Mount Bethel Church and the Kingdom of God. Let us consider 2016 in just the past few weeks as a Body of Christ.... A blessed summertime… “good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over” Luke 6:38 … we are witnessing.
- A big ask, prayer and generous giving for the reduction to elimination of the mortgage debt is resulting in an additional $2000 payment to the loan’s principal.
- A big ask with Amazing Beginning’s and New Height’s Church partnering with us in hosting IGH’s Night to Unite for the neighborhood. Attendance nearly doubled in opportunity for us to build connection with our neighbors.
- A big ask to begin now gathering collectively items for Samaritan Purse Operation Christmas Child shoebox ministry. Two large tubs of items collected so far.
- A big ask for the IGH ecumenical ministry Back to School Bash. Rejoicing that members and friends of Mt Bethel filled the grocery cart 4 times with new school supplies and gently worn clothing for the Back to School Bash. Additionally we supported the purchase of 1000 backpacks with a $500 donation. A number of us will also give of our time helping to host or attending the event.
- What Big Ask, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over blessings do you add? click here and submit - Add to our list.

Thank you for attending the 10th Annual Back to School Bash, A local IGH ecumenical ministry event celebrating the joy of learning with FREE food, games, bouncy(s) and music. Also providing 1000 backpacks with school supplies to IGH elementary, middle school and high school kids in need. The rain did not stop the celebrating. Activities were moved indoors to St.Pat's Shamrock Hall. Attendee or volunteer thank you for coming together. As a church body we delivered 4 grocery cart loads of school supplies and clothing to support his event.
Saturday, August 20, 11a-1p at St. Patrick's Church.
Saturday, August 20, 11a-1p at St. Patrick's Church.

Thank you for attending our Inver Grove Heights' Night To Unite event. Here's a review:
When: Tuesday, August 2nd 6-8pm
Where: Corner of 70th Street & Carmen Avenue, Mount Bethel Church lawn
What: An evening to gather with the neighborhood, 3-F's food, fellowship & fun. (provided a bouncy for kids which was busy throughout the event)
Why: To get to know our neighbors, have fun and promote community.
Who: The neighborhood, with visits by Police & Fire personnel, School & City leadership, Amazing Beginnings Child Care, New Heights Church and Mt Bethel Church too...
Meal: Hot dogs, chips & root beer floats provided by hosts.
Event Hosts: Amazing Beginnings Montessori & Childcare Center, New Heights Community Church, and us, Mt Bethel United Methodist Church.
7:45p United in prayer for attendees and our neighborhood.
Attendees were extended an invite if they chose to bring food items for Neighbors Food Shelf or new school supplies that will go into the 1000 backpacks for the Back to School Bash. Most importantly they came. Click here to view invite.
Review of hosting the second Night to Unite! in neighborhood on church grounds 70th Street & Carmen: 300, 2sided brightly colored flyers distributed 2 weeks prior from Cahill to Colman Avenues West to East and South to North 70th street to 68th street. Weekend prior 10 yard signs placed at corners of streets in/out of the neighborhood. 4 bags of groceries and 2 stuffed bags of paper bags gathered for Neighbor's food shelf. Guesstimate 100plus attendees to the event making connections with oner another. Click here for photos.
When: Tuesday, August 2nd 6-8pm
Where: Corner of 70th Street & Carmen Avenue, Mount Bethel Church lawn
What: An evening to gather with the neighborhood, 3-F's food, fellowship & fun. (provided a bouncy for kids which was busy throughout the event)
Why: To get to know our neighbors, have fun and promote community.
Who: The neighborhood, with visits by Police & Fire personnel, School & City leadership, Amazing Beginnings Child Care, New Heights Church and Mt Bethel Church too...
Meal: Hot dogs, chips & root beer floats provided by hosts.
Event Hosts: Amazing Beginnings Montessori & Childcare Center, New Heights Community Church, and us, Mt Bethel United Methodist Church.
7:45p United in prayer for attendees and our neighborhood.
Attendees were extended an invite if they chose to bring food items for Neighbors Food Shelf or new school supplies that will go into the 1000 backpacks for the Back to School Bash. Most importantly they came. Click here to view invite.
Review of hosting the second Night to Unite! in neighborhood on church grounds 70th Street & Carmen: 300, 2sided brightly colored flyers distributed 2 weeks prior from Cahill to Colman Avenues West to East and South to North 70th street to 68th street. Weekend prior 10 yard signs placed at corners of streets in/out of the neighborhood. 4 bags of groceries and 2 stuffed bags of paper bags gathered for Neighbor's food shelf. Guesstimate 100plus attendees to the event making connections with oner another. Click here for photos.
August 1, 2016 Update & good news--- Mt Bethel Church has a mortgage (Sanctuary and lower level addition) balloon due soon. Pastor Dave put forth in mid-July an $80 per giving unit challenge to offset the estimated closing costs of $3400 expected to incur. The Trustees and Finance Chairs have been able to work with Bremer Bank and negotiate a Mortgage Loan Modification instead of a refinance. This negotiation has reduced closing costs by half. Due to negotiation and overwhelming giving generosity by our congregation, we, Mt Bethel Church will make an additional $2000 principal payment in debt reduction. THANK YOU every one for your generosity in offerings and prayer for reduction – elimination of debt.
July 25, 2016
Don Lawrence is in God's Glory! Don's Celebration of Life service; Monday, Aug 1st, at Mt Bethel Church. Visitation 10am, Service, 11am with lunch following.
Prayers for his beloved Margaret and family be comforted by the many thoughts and prayers of love sent their way.
Don Lawrence is in God's Glory! Don's Celebration of Life service; Monday, Aug 1st, at Mt Bethel Church. Visitation 10am, Service, 11am with lunch following.
Prayers for his beloved Margaret and family be comforted by the many thoughts and prayers of love sent their way.
STORM 2016, in Marshall, MN
,June 2016, Due to the generosity of Mount Bethel Church in the month of June, 68 pounds of food has been delivered to Neighbors Food Shelf.
For over 25 summers, Pastor Dave has facilitated the coming together of youth for a week to live out the gospel and serve the community, STORM Camp. During the day, they fix homes, do yard work, and engage in many other service projects to help neighbors in need. At night, they worship together. The youth STORM the community with the love of God. This video was debuted at 2016 MN Annunal Conference telling a story... Click here to view> www.minnesotaumc.org/videodetail/storm-camp-5137088
Click here for the 2016 Missional Report of the MN United Methodist Church
Click here for the 2016 Missional Report of the MN United Methodist Church
June 22, from 6-7:30 pm, 22 participants from both New Heights and Mount Bethel Churches were the hands and feet of Jesus serving with 120 others from the metro area. In one hour packed 116 boxes of food; (3712 bags of vitamins, dry veggies, soy protein & rice) resulting in 25,056 meals which will feed 69 kids for a year at a cost of $5,12.32. Pastor Dan facilitated the blessing of food at the conclusion of our serving.
![]() Tuesday, June 21st - National Selfie Day, also, the kick off to the 162nd session of the Minnesota Annual Conference of the Untied Methodist Church in St Cloud, MN. Jake's selfie with Bishop Ough. Attending "Celebration in the Park" at Lake George. Opening address from Bishop Bruce R. Ough; The Manure plan: It’s time to become more intentional in our manure spreading—metaphorically speaking, ... Click here to read more of Bishop Ough's address....
A Love Offering for Missions was collected within Minnesota’s United Methodist Churches and delivered to the Annual Conference session, collectively totaled over $90K. Member and friends of Mt Bethel Church extended $275 in love. Joy of generous discipleship – giving till it feels good. The Love Offering benefits international, national, and Minnesota missions. The conference Missions Promotion Team determines the annual recipients. The 2016 Annual Conference theme is "Living Generously: Unleashing God's Gifts" and funds from this year's Love Offering is designated to these projects: Click on image for more information. Offerings are designated to: Minnesota Council of Churches Refugee Services: 40%. United Methodist Committee on Relief (for health kits): 10%. International Child Care, Dominican Republic: 40%. Volunteers in Mission Scholarships: 10%.

Pastor’s Report - David E. Brown Grace and peace to members and friends of Mt Bethel UMC!
As I finish my third year of serving as your pastor, my heart is filled with gratitude for your faithfulness to Jesus, first of all, and for the way in which you live out that faith through Mt Bethel Church.
In 2015 - 2016, we have done some new things:
1. We experienced what it would be like to have another staff person as David Hodd served as an Eli project intern. We were all grateful for his ministry among us.
2. We held our first Neighbors Night Out in quite some time. About 25 neighbors joined us for refreshments and fun.
3. We held a Thanksgiving Eve service that was a general invite for the community.
4. We invited New Heights Community Church to share our building for worship and office.
5. We harvested 200 pounds from our garden for the food shelf.
We have also continued some effective ministries.
1. Ongoing care and appreciation for Hilltop Elementary teachers and staff.
2. Church 2 groups growing our discipleship and building relationships.
3. Worship themes for the big seasons of the church year, Advent and Lent.
4. Engagement in a variety of service projects resulting in mission.
5. Ongoing financial health due to generous giving.
Numbers don’t always tell the whole story, but I would say that our worship attendance, after improving last year, is holding steady at about a 58 person/Sunday average. Individuals participating in the various ministries and teams of our church is probably around 70% of that worship attendance. As I understand our current finances we are holding our own and continue in a good position to meet our obligations as well as fund ministry.
We are blessed.
As we look to the new year, I believe there are three areas that we need to focus on.
1. Inviting new people to participate in our life of following Jesus. We are a great congregation and have a blessed life to share with our neighbors. We are all responsible for inviting others and we need to have a team of people focused on thinking of new ways to reach our neighbors.
2. Caring for one another. We already do this, but some of us think it can be done better. Joann Larson has agreed to lead a team of people in making this happen.
3. Continued generosity. We still have a large debt for our size congregation. Some fear what would happen if we “lost” the preschool income. We are sometimes hampered in making any improvement because of funding. It would be great to get past that!
4. (I always have an extra point or two!) Greater participation by all our members and friends in carrying on the ministry of our church. Remember the church is not a building, the church is not a steeple…the church of Jesus Christ is a people…a people called by God to serve one another and to serve the neighborhood and world that we live in. It is how we follow Jesus.
I am glad to be your pastor and look forward to what the new year will bring.
As I finish my third year of serving as your pastor, my heart is filled with gratitude for your faithfulness to Jesus, first of all, and for the way in which you live out that faith through Mt Bethel Church.
In 2015 - 2016, we have done some new things:
1. We experienced what it would be like to have another staff person as David Hodd served as an Eli project intern. We were all grateful for his ministry among us.
2. We held our first Neighbors Night Out in quite some time. About 25 neighbors joined us for refreshments and fun.
3. We held a Thanksgiving Eve service that was a general invite for the community.
4. We invited New Heights Community Church to share our building for worship and office.
5. We harvested 200 pounds from our garden for the food shelf.
We have also continued some effective ministries.
1. Ongoing care and appreciation for Hilltop Elementary teachers and staff.
2. Church 2 groups growing our discipleship and building relationships.
3. Worship themes for the big seasons of the church year, Advent and Lent.
4. Engagement in a variety of service projects resulting in mission.
5. Ongoing financial health due to generous giving.
Numbers don’t always tell the whole story, but I would say that our worship attendance, after improving last year, is holding steady at about a 58 person/Sunday average. Individuals participating in the various ministries and teams of our church is probably around 70% of that worship attendance. As I understand our current finances we are holding our own and continue in a good position to meet our obligations as well as fund ministry.
We are blessed.
As we look to the new year, I believe there are three areas that we need to focus on.
1. Inviting new people to participate in our life of following Jesus. We are a great congregation and have a blessed life to share with our neighbors. We are all responsible for inviting others and we need to have a team of people focused on thinking of new ways to reach our neighbors.
2. Caring for one another. We already do this, but some of us think it can be done better. Joann Larson has agreed to lead a team of people in making this happen.
3. Continued generosity. We still have a large debt for our size congregation. Some fear what would happen if we “lost” the preschool income. We are sometimes hampered in making any improvement because of funding. It would be great to get past that!
4. (I always have an extra point or two!) Greater participation by all our members and friends in carrying on the ministry of our church. Remember the church is not a building, the church is not a steeple…the church of Jesus Christ is a people…a people called by God to serve one another and to serve the neighborhood and world that we live in. It is how we follow Jesus.
I am glad to be your pastor and look forward to what the new year will bring.
Statement on the Orlando shooting Dakotas-Minnesota Bishop Bruce R. Ough
United Methodists across the world are horrified by the despicable act of terrorism in Orlando, Florida, that took the lives of 49 individuals and wounded 53 others. We are in shock. We join those who grieve. We pray for the victims, their families, and the LGBTQ community targeted by this hateful attack. We stand against all forms of violence, committed anywhere in the world by anyone.
We stand with our Muslim brothers and sisters who have condemned this heinous act. We pledge to work together to overcome evil with good, terrorism with peace, hatred with love, and inequity with justice.
We commend the Florida Annual Conference as they gather this week in Orlando. They, along with Bishop Ken Carter, are our connectional presence in the midst of this tragedy. We pray that God will work through them to be a source of Christ’s witness, reconciliation, and healing to the brokenness of an entire community. As the people called United Methodist, let us not lose heart, but redouble our commitment and efforts to fulfill God’s vision of the Beloved Community throughout the world. As we combat evil, let us not let evil fill our hearts. As we struggle to end violence, let us not let violence become our way of life. As we battle terrorism, let us not become terrorists in the process. As we seek to be vigilant, let us not let fear curtail our hospitality. As we pray for peace, let it begin within our own spirits. In the peace of the Lord, Bishop Bruce R. Ough, President, United Methodist Council of Bishop
United Methodists across the world are horrified by the despicable act of terrorism in Orlando, Florida, that took the lives of 49 individuals and wounded 53 others. We are in shock. We join those who grieve. We pray for the victims, their families, and the LGBTQ community targeted by this hateful attack. We stand against all forms of violence, committed anywhere in the world by anyone.
We stand with our Muslim brothers and sisters who have condemned this heinous act. We pledge to work together to overcome evil with good, terrorism with peace, hatred with love, and inequity with justice.
We commend the Florida Annual Conference as they gather this week in Orlando. They, along with Bishop Ken Carter, are our connectional presence in the midst of this tragedy. We pray that God will work through them to be a source of Christ’s witness, reconciliation, and healing to the brokenness of an entire community. As the people called United Methodist, let us not lose heart, but redouble our commitment and efforts to fulfill God’s vision of the Beloved Community throughout the world. As we combat evil, let us not let evil fill our hearts. As we struggle to end violence, let us not let violence become our way of life. As we battle terrorism, let us not become terrorists in the process. As we seek to be vigilant, let us not let fear curtail our hospitality. As we pray for peace, let it begin within our own spirits. In the peace of the Lord, Bishop Bruce R. Ough, President, United Methodist Council of Bishop

Old Salem Shrine hosted the annual Founders’ Day Service on Sunday, June 5th at 3:00 P.M. Prior to the service an Open House from 1:00 – 3:00p. With the beautiful weather of gentle breeze and temps in the 70’s there was a great turnout of persons and families experiencing times gone by and see how our ancestors worshipped in 1860’s. The service was led by Rev. Gail and Rev. Dennis Alexander from Faith United Methodist Church and Mounds Park United Methodist Church. Message “What Happened Here” Ephesians 2:19-22.
May 29, 2016:
Our Deepest Sympathy is expressed to the Annie Pheiffer family. Celebration of life; Monday, June 6, 2016 at 11 am.
Our Deepest Sympathy is expressed to the Annie Pheiffer family. Celebration of life; Monday, June 6, 2016 at 11 am.

Pentecost Sunday, we came to worship wearing red and on Pentecost, the Birthday of the Church, Mt Bethel began sharing our church facility with New Heights Community Church. NHCC worshiping in the fellowship hall at 10am & Mt Bethel in the sanctuary at 10am. Early May, three leaders of NHCC met with MB leaders (J Gregg, B Mahovlich, L Emerson, J Lewis, V Emerson Pastor Dave & P Tabbert) for conversation of understandings and expectations as both churches move forward in distinguishing ourselves in the community for Jesus.
Topics of discussion/conversation included: Safety, main & side entrance use, directional signage, parking & handicapped parking, storage, Sunday school, worship service end time and the transition to shared fellowship time, kitchen refreshment-hospitality time and common local ministries (Feed My Starving Children, Neighbor Inc, Samaritan Purse shoeboxes & Back to School Backpack Bash). More details of sharing space...
Topics of discussion/conversation included: Safety, main & side entrance use, directional signage, parking & handicapped parking, storage, Sunday school, worship service end time and the transition to shared fellowship time, kitchen refreshment-hospitality time and common local ministries (Feed My Starving Children, Neighbor Inc, Samaritan Purse shoeboxes & Back to School Backpack Bash). More details of sharing space...
Survey says….
Every five years Faith Communities Today provides a marvelous service to all churches through a very thorough survey of religious congregations across the United States. Sociologist David A. Roozen and his colleagues have developed ways to monitor the pulse of congregational life. The 2015 report captures both continuity and change among U.S. congregations. The biggest change since 2010 was the dramatic decline in multi-religious activity by churches click here to read more… Download a free PDF of the full report click> American Congregations 2015: Thriving and Surviving. The main points:
Every five years Faith Communities Today provides a marvelous service to all churches through a very thorough survey of religious congregations across the United States. Sociologist David A. Roozen and his colleagues have developed ways to monitor the pulse of congregational life. The 2015 report captures both continuity and change among U.S. congregations. The biggest change since 2010 was the dramatic decline in multi-religious activity by churches click here to read more… Download a free PDF of the full report click> American Congregations 2015: Thriving and Surviving. The main points:
- Growth and change go together. Churches that grow have to change. Thriving congregations are ten times more likely to have changed themselves than struggling congregations.
- Change and conflict go together. There is a subtle interplay between change and conflict that cannot be avoided but must be understood and engaged.
- Growth and spiritual vitality go together. A growing church is more likely to be spiritually vital and a declining church is more likely to be less so.
- Worship changes often lead to growth. Changing worship often leads to both growth and spiritual vitality.
- Young adults are increasingly scarce in churches. 20% of US population is 18-34 but only 10 percent of congregations reach that level of participation by young adults. Only one in ten congregations make reaching young adults a priority.
- Laity reach other laity. The more lay people are involved in inviting others to church, the more likely that church is growing.
- Distinguish yourself in the community. Congregations that are seen as different in some way from other churches are more likely to grow.
Sunday, April 10, following worship, members of Mt Bethel Church took a consensus vote in regard to sharing space with New Heights Community Church on Sunday mornings. Results: 1 abstention, 5 no and 44 yes.
Consensus is to move forward to sharing Sunday morning facility space with New Heights Community Church.
Proposed for no or yes, vote of consensus:
-New Heights worships in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday morning at the same time,
-Mt Bethel is welcome to take advantage of New Heights Sunday School for children,
-Both congregations share fellowship time after worship in the Fellowship Hall,
-Pastor’s office is available for both pastors during the week,
-There may be opportunities for shared worship and shared mission in the future,
-New Heights will share expenses at $400/month.
Town Hall meeting following worship, Sundays March 6, 13 and April 3rd.
Topic: Sharing facility-space Sunday mornings with New Heights Community Church
Time-line of building a relationship with New Heights Community Church is highlighted in our Ad Board meeting minutes titled: click here to read 2016_2_mt b min and 2016_3_4 mt b min Administrative Council meeting minutes.
Consensus is to move forward to sharing Sunday morning facility space with New Heights Community Church.
Proposed for no or yes, vote of consensus:
-New Heights worships in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday morning at the same time,
-Mt Bethel is welcome to take advantage of New Heights Sunday School for children,
-Both congregations share fellowship time after worship in the Fellowship Hall,
-Pastor’s office is available for both pastors during the week,
-There may be opportunities for shared worship and shared mission in the future,
-New Heights will share expenses at $400/month.
Town Hall meeting following worship, Sundays March 6, 13 and April 3rd.
Topic: Sharing facility-space Sunday mornings with New Heights Community Church
Time-line of building a relationship with New Heights Community Church is highlighted in our Ad Board meeting minutes titled: click here to read 2016_2_mt b min and 2016_3_4 mt b min Administrative Council meeting minutes.
Special message from Bishop Bruce R. Ough following Jamar Clark decision
The Minneapolis/St. Paul community is deeply wounded. The shooting of Jamar Clark, the subsequent protests, the pleas that Black Lives Matter, and now the announcement that the two police officers involved in the incident will not be prosecuted has the community crying out for justice. And, of course, there are different perspectives on what constitutes justice. For the legal system, justice is defined by the evidence (some of which remains disputed). For the families, Northside neighborhoods, and many concerned citizens, justice is defined by fairness and restitution. Tragically, Jamar’s death cannot be reversed and the grief and anger experienced by so many cannot be assuaged.
Both viewpoints have merit and standing in the law. But neither goes far enough to create justice. Justice is about restoration. It is about putting things back the way God intended. It is about restoring the Beloved Community. Read more, click here.
The Minneapolis/St. Paul community is deeply wounded. The shooting of Jamar Clark, the subsequent protests, the pleas that Black Lives Matter, and now the announcement that the two police officers involved in the incident will not be prosecuted has the community crying out for justice. And, of course, there are different perspectives on what constitutes justice. For the legal system, justice is defined by the evidence (some of which remains disputed). For the families, Northside neighborhoods, and many concerned citizens, justice is defined by fairness and restitution. Tragically, Jamar’s death cannot be reversed and the grief and anger experienced by so many cannot be assuaged.
Both viewpoints have merit and standing in the law. But neither goes far enough to create justice. Justice is about restoration. It is about putting things back the way God intended. It is about restoring the Beloved Community. Read more, click here.

Good news of generous sharing, March was the Statewide Food Share campaign, here at Mt. Bethel Church too. Thank you for your generous donations of food and money. $135 and 299 pounds of food was delivered to Neighbors Inc to meet the needs of Inver Grove Heights and South St. Paul families. Mt Bethel Church is a founding partner of Neighbors Inc. Neighbors Inc.
March 2016 collective results: Neighbors Inc collected a combined total of 347,639 pounds of food and dollars during the Minnesota FoodShare month, finishing third among the 300 Minnesota food shelves participating in the March campaign. Thank you for helping stock the shelves for the months ahead!
March 2016 collective results: Neighbors Inc collected a combined total of 347,639 pounds of food and dollars during the Minnesota FoodShare month, finishing third among the 300 Minnesota food shelves participating in the March campaign. Thank you for helping stock the shelves for the months ahead!
Gertens Spring Flower Fundraiser
The Gertens Spring Fundraiser was launched the month of March. Click here to see the 2016 Gertens order form! We also had a beautiful color brochure to help members & friends of Mt Bethel Church decide. The orders and payment were due Easter Sunday, March 27. Delivery - pick-up date is Friday, May 13. Proceeds from our Spring Gertens' fundraiser are used to beautify the church grounds.
The Gertens Spring Fundraiser was launched the month of March. Click here to see the 2016 Gertens order form! We also had a beautiful color brochure to help members & friends of Mt Bethel Church decide. The orders and payment were due Easter Sunday, March 27. Delivery - pick-up date is Friday, May 13. Proceeds from our Spring Gertens' fundraiser are used to beautify the church grounds.
Holy Week 2016.
Sunday, March 19, 9:00 Brunch
10:00 am Palm Sunday Worship
Thursday, March 24, 6:30 pm Maundy Thursday Worship
Friday, March 25, 6:30 pm Good Friday Worship
Sunday, March 27, 10:00 am Easter Sunday Worship
Our Lenten and Easter offerings received this year will be given to the Minnesota Annual Conference Reach Renew Rejoice project. RRR is a Statewide mission strategy for starting new churches and growing existing churches by equipping them to increase spiritual vitality. Thank you, thank you, for generous Lent and Easter offerings in Jesus' name to reach new people and renew the Church in Minnesota.
Sunday, March 19, 9:00 Brunch
10:00 am Palm Sunday Worship
Thursday, March 24, 6:30 pm Maundy Thursday Worship
Friday, March 25, 6:30 pm Good Friday Worship
Sunday, March 27, 10:00 am Easter Sunday Worship
Our Lenten and Easter offerings received this year will be given to the Minnesota Annual Conference Reach Renew Rejoice project. RRR is a Statewide mission strategy for starting new churches and growing existing churches by equipping them to increase spiritual vitality. Thank you, thank you, for generous Lent and Easter offerings in Jesus' name to reach new people and renew the Church in Minnesota.

Bishop Bruce Ough's Easter message. Take The Rain to Heart
I greet you in the name and spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ who prevailed over the dominion of death.
During the past 40 days, we have been on a journey of self-denial, sacrifice, and changing our hearts. We have engaged the ancient spiritual discipline of laying aside those things that limit our lives and destroy our relationships with God, others, and ourselves. The ashes of repentance are washed away as we prepare to exclaim with joy: Christ is risen! Christ is risen, indeed! Alleluia! As you know, I am a native of North Dakota. Click here to read more.
I greet you in the name and spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ who prevailed over the dominion of death.
During the past 40 days, we have been on a journey of self-denial, sacrifice, and changing our hearts. We have engaged the ancient spiritual discipline of laying aside those things that limit our lives and destroy our relationships with God, others, and ourselves. The ashes of repentance are washed away as we prepare to exclaim with joy: Christ is risen! Christ is risen, indeed! Alleluia! As you know, I am a native of North Dakota. Click here to read more.
Minnesotans' Praying for General Conference 2016 on Wednesday, March 23rd.
Each day this year, a different annual conference from around the world has been praying for delegates, for the process, and for the wisdom and love of God to prevail when the denomination gathers in Portland, Oregon from May 10-20 for The United Methodist Church General Conference. This Holy week, Minnesota Methodist Churches are praying. Pray for:
Thoughts from Bishop Ough: Them and us
Like many previous General Conferences, the 2016 conference will be confronted with several difficult and divisive issues. The United Methodist Church is fraught with many “them-and-us” controversies—controversies over whom we will include or exclude, issues over biblical authority and biblical obedience, tensions over how we witness to a broken world, struggles over how to create an authentic global church, disagreements over how and who will lead the Church. “I believe God is calling all of us, and particularly those we have elected to represent us at General Conference, to listen, deeply listen—not to the voices of self-interest and power politics, but to what the Holy Spirit is speaking deep within each of us,” said Bishop Ough. Read article click here
Each day this year, a different annual conference from around the world has been praying for delegates, for the process, and for the wisdom and love of God to prevail when the denomination gathers in Portland, Oregon from May 10-20 for The United Methodist Church General Conference. This Holy week, Minnesota Methodist Churches are praying. Pray for:
- Read and pray over Psalm 133
- Safe travel for the delegates and visitors to Portland, Oregon
- Health, energy, and safety of all who gather
- Clear discernment and wisdom of God’s guiding
- Kindness and grace with which all should be treated
- Staff of the convention center who will serve the conference
- People of Portland as the United Methodists who gather become a living testimony of the grace and love of God
- Bishops who will preside over the gathering
- Translators, volunteers, and agency staff who attend to details
- International delegates and guests who will be present in unfamiliar cultural settings
- Leaders of the worship services
- In your time of prayer, be sure to allow for some silence so that you might be open to hearing and receiving what God speaks to your heart and mind.
Thoughts from Bishop Ough: Them and us
Like many previous General Conferences, the 2016 conference will be confronted with several difficult and divisive issues. The United Methodist Church is fraught with many “them-and-us” controversies—controversies over whom we will include or exclude, issues over biblical authority and biblical obedience, tensions over how we witness to a broken world, struggles over how to create an authentic global church, disagreements over how and who will lead the Church. “I believe God is calling all of us, and particularly those we have elected to represent us at General Conference, to listen, deeply listen—not to the voices of self-interest and power politics, but to what the Holy Spirit is speaking deep within each of us,” said Bishop Ough. Read article click here
Lent 2016 Wednesdays we gathered in Mt Bethel's fellowship hall for mid-week worship averaging 40 to 60 attendees. Members from Hew Heights Community Church also participated with us. Beginning with a soup supper at 6p, and from 6:30-7p We heard stories of faith, God at work in the lives of community members; Lisa Brown, Rob Scofield, MaryAnn Curro, teacher from Hilltop Elementary, Luke & Amanda Stombaugh and John Parkes’ story of sobriety. Each- "This is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long."
Our ministry work areas served the weekly soup suppers; MOE Mission/Outreach/Evangelism, Worship, Trustees, Finance and SPPR Staff Pastor Parish Relations. To cover supper cost a free will offering was received with overflow offerings extended to MN United Methodist Church Conference for Reach Renew Rejoice mission field in Minnesota; making disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Our ministry work areas served the weekly soup suppers; MOE Mission/Outreach/Evangelism, Worship, Trustees, Finance and SPPR Staff Pastor Parish Relations. To cover supper cost a free will offering was received with overflow offerings extended to MN United Methodist Church Conference for Reach Renew Rejoice mission field in Minnesota; making disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
One Great Hour of Sharing March 6, 2016
For more than 50 years, United Methodist congregations have been taking part in a special One Great Hour of Sharing offering, laying the foundation for UMCOR’s (United Methodist Committee on Relief) ministry of relief and hope. Our Mt Bethel Church, One Great Hour of Sharing offerings totaled $300 for UMCOR. Thank you for generous sharing!
For more than 50 years, United Methodist congregations have been taking part in a special One Great Hour of Sharing offering, laying the foundation for UMCOR’s (United Methodist Committee on Relief) ministry of relief and hope. Our Mt Bethel Church, One Great Hour of Sharing offerings totaled $300 for UMCOR. Thank you for generous sharing!
Church2 September 2015 thru January 2016 Mt Bethel/MB Church offered 5 monthly options for growing in relationship with Christ and each other by gathering together in a small group setting... Church 2... in homes. A meal was shared along with highs and lows of daily life. Prayer happened and read scripture which engaged spiritual conversation. When Pastor Dave is present groups shared in communion. Over 35 members & friends of MB participated. Thank you to the gracious hosts; J,B,L Brausen, J & L Gregg, J Lewis, S Draine, and P Tabbert/A Wentkiewicz.
January 10, 2016 we hosted a worship service with Minnesota Teen & Adult Challenge Choir. Following grace filled worship of prayer, song and testimony (and forgiveness) we dined together over an awesome array of hot dishes, salads and desserts. We were so wrapped in the goodness of the worship and fellowship following, totally forgot to take pictures. The Teen and Adult Challenge choir of 30 voices strong and 60 plus in worship attendance grew in relationship as the Body of Christ. Stories of hope were told, stories of new life, love. We as a community spoke forgiveness and grace from a story that was told. We lived, “This is my story, this is my song, praising my savior all the daylong. Jesus drew us into relationship. It was a precious day of worship. ….. bummer on the missed Viking’s field goal later in the day. Our God Reigns!!
"Un" Hanging of Greens 2016- January 9, 2016. Lots of helpful hands made for good fellowship as we served together putting Christmas decorations back into boxes and stored away in less than an hour and half. Thank you: Kathy, Ron, Joann, Joe, Linda, Deb, Al, Maura, Craig, Judy, Ken, Ken, Caroline, Barb & Polly. A beautiful Advent and Christmas season (Luke 1 & 2) of growing in GRACE with Mary as our example of Grace, God's "free gift". Grace: in waiting, experiencing God's presence, action and fulfillment.
Click here for the INSIGHT 7 story_ on the Old Salem Shrine. Please pass this link onto others to view and thank you for letting them know that it was a story from Town Square Television’s News Magazine Show “INSIGHT 7”. To find out more information about Town Square Television visit www.townsquare.tv I hope you like the story. https://vimeo.com/151579152
Mt Bethel members participated in the Annual Epiphany Service at Old Salem Shrine held on January 3rd, 2016 at 4:30 P.M. This service was a special treat to conclude the family’s holiday season, 40+ dressed for the 20 degree weather. Worshipers enjoyed the customs of the 1800’s by singing traditional Christmas carols by lanterns and candle light with the antique pump organ and wood stove as our ancestors might have done. Old Salem, located at 1505 Upper 55th St. in Inver Grove Heights, is the first Evangelical church in the State of Minnesota and the birthplace of the Evangelical United Brethren denomination prior to its merger with the Methodist Church. Former director of Neighbors Inc , Harv Bartz delivered the meditation; "Hope Always". |
Remember Mt Bethel Church in your estate planning.