Christmas 2018 Finding God at Christmas....
The Fourth Sunday of Advent, December 23 at 10am. We gathered to worship God and to sing his praises with Christmas songs. We focused on the life of Joseph, the father of Jesus, and how he found God at Christmas in the midst of betrayal. Flawless love. Unexplainable peace. Boundless Joy. Endless hope. The true gifts of Christmas are already ours.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship service, Monday, December 24 at 4:30pm worship - Peace and joy. A star and a manger. We gathered together to experience the real gift of Christmas, the unconditional love God gave the world all those years ago. We read the Christmas story from Luke 2 and sang many of your favorite Christmas hymns, plus "O Holy Night" as a solo. Pastor Dave's message from Luke 2, the story of the angels appearing to the shepherds on that first Christmas night, and we talked about Finding God at Christmas When Life is Scary. We closed our Christmas Eve Celebration by singing Silent night, turning off all the lights in the church and lighting candles to symbolize that Jesus is the Light of the World.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship service, Monday, December 24 at 4:30pm worship - Peace and joy. A star and a manger. We gathered together to experience the real gift of Christmas, the unconditional love God gave the world all those years ago. We read the Christmas story from Luke 2 and sang many of your favorite Christmas hymns, plus "O Holy Night" as a solo. Pastor Dave's message from Luke 2, the story of the angels appearing to the shepherds on that first Christmas night, and we talked about Finding God at Christmas When Life is Scary. We closed our Christmas Eve Celebration by singing Silent night, turning off all the lights in the church and lighting candles to symbolize that Jesus is the Light of the World.
Friday, December 21st - Winter Solstice Worship: Finding God at Christmas When You are in Despair – Psalm 31- Not everyone is you and cheery for the Christmas holidays. Some of us are coping with the heath of a loved one, facing life after separation or divorce, dealing with the loss of a job, living with cancer and a number of other human situation make cheeriness painful for many people in our congregation and community. This service is a quiet and reflection time of seeking God and listening for his voice. The Winter Solstice is the longest night of the year and this service is for those who might be in a season of darkness and despair. The good news is that the days start to get longer after the Winter Solstice and there is hope and light for everyone who would seek help from God. Attenders took opportunity to light a candle at the front of the worship area during the service to shine as a symbol of God’s hope and light in your life.
Our Christmas offerings are to Minnesota’s United Methodist Annual Conference to help us, Mt Bethel Church and more, across the State of Minnesota plant new congregations. The goal of the United Methodist Churches in Minnesota is one new congregation a year for 10 years AND assisting in the revitalizing of 20 congregations each year. Thank you for the generous giving in Jesus Name to transform lives. Click here to read StarTribune's Churches Sow Seed For Future Revival 12/16/2018
The Heart Of The Magi: Bishop's Christmas message 2018 Christmas
The journey of the Magi—the wise men—is a part of the Christmas story usually read and studied following the birth of Christ. It is actually a part of the Epiphany narrative. But if it works to have wise men in the children’s Christmas pageant during Advent, it works for me to speak about the wise men in my Christmas greeting to you. It works for me because I desire so very much to have ….click to read more
The journey of the Magi—the wise men—is a part of the Christmas story usually read and studied following the birth of Christ. It is actually a part of the Epiphany narrative. But if it works to have wise men in the children’s Christmas pageant during Advent, it works for me to speak about the wise men in my Christmas greeting to you. It works for me because I desire so very much to have ….click to read more
Pastor Dave's wife Jeanie, invited women of Mount Bethel Church to their 1930’s Tudor home in the Dayton’s Bluff neighborhood of East St. Paul. Jeanie has been hosting Women’s Christmas Tea’s for over thirty years at the churches where she and Pastor Dave have served. Jeanie got out her Bone China teacups and saucers inherited from her mother to serve tea and light refreshments. Jeanie also shared a Christmas devotion from the Scriptures and read A Cup of Christmas Tea to focus our hearts on the Reason for the Season! Unfortunately, due to the size of their home, there is a limit to the number of women attending -16. May God fill all of our hearts with His Peace & Presence this Christmas Season! Merry Christmas to all, click here for photos of the Christmas Tea event. -Thank you Johnston's
for the hospitality including a cup of Christmas Tea.
for the hospitality including a cup of Christmas Tea.
Sunday, December 9th, following worship, held an All-Church Meeting. Agenda: 2019 General Ministry Budget, outcome-
Motion Made, Motion 2nd, Discussion, Unanimous Approval.
Approve the 2019 General Ministry Budget as presented, endorsed by the Ad Board leadership on 11/28/2018,
Motion Made, Motion 2nd, Discussion, Unanimous Approval.
Approve the 2019 General Ministry Budget as presented, endorsed by the Ad Board leadership on 11/28/2018,
November 25th and December 2nd 2018, we took a special offering for UMCOR supporting the wildfires and mud slide distruction out West. Our generous giving totaled $510. Our MOE mission dollars matched generous giving up to $500 providing $1010 for disaster relief. 100% of our generous offerings will go to disaster relief. UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) We pray for the safety of the firefighters and first responders as well as those evacuated from their homes now rebuilding their lives.
We cast a vision to create a modern day Cornucopia for Neighbors Food Shelf. We gathered.... Needs: Soups, pancake syrup, canned vegetables, canned fruit, Jelly, tuna and canned meat, toilet paper, shampoo, hygiene products. And put our donations in the Sanctuary at the Altar Cornucopia. Our November modern day Cornucopia for Neighbors Inc Food shelf totaled 569 pounds of food and hygiene products and $280, Grand total 849 pounds of food gathered.
Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Saturday, Nov 24, 2018 we practiced re-new and rejoicing. Disciples gathered together to re-new the narthex lobby area of Mt Bethel. With the inter design leadership of Cris W, the second service task force made recommendations to the Worship Team who took the recommendations to the Trustees for approval. The Worship Team made final selection from Cris’ proposal. Our Treasurer investigated best pricing of paint. Paint purchased and disciplining painters gathered the narthex lobby and entry space was transformed in less than 8 hours. Deeply grateful and thankful for the sharing of resources, skills, talents, abilities and prayers of many to begin the renew-ing of the Mt Bethel entry. Come check it out Sundays at 10a and or Wednesdays the Forge worship at 6p.
FORGE Worship, a Ministry of Mt Bethel Churc is launched Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Inclusive, Informal, Contemporary Christian Music,Spontaneous, Kid Friendly, Prayer, Scripture, Conversation ...
Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so friends sharpen each other.
The purpose of the Forge Worship is to Make God Real In All Our Lives.
At the Forge Worship we believe that ...
God is All Loving and All Gracious to All People.
Jesus is the Savior of the World and God is calling ALL people everywhere to God through Jesus.
The Bible is God's authoritative Blue Print for Life and that it speaks truth to all cultures in all times.
We believe that God's Spirit gives us power for life.
At the Forge we value A community that is loving and inclusive to all people no matter their religious beliefs, cultural background, politics or personal preferences.... All are welcomed and loved.
The Mission of Mount Bethel United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Mt Bethel Church is Launched a second service at Mount Bethel. Forge Worship is more contemporary in worship style and family friendly. Forge Worship is Re-brand as a church within a church, a ministry extension of Mount Bethel Church. Our hope, our prayer is to launch Forge into the Inver Grove Heights community in 2019 and Grow to 50+ people in attendance by 2020.
Inclusive, Informal, Contemporary Christian Music,Spontaneous, Kid Friendly, Prayer, Scripture, Conversation ...
Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so friends sharpen each other.
The purpose of the Forge Worship is to Make God Real In All Our Lives.
At the Forge Worship we believe that ...
God is All Loving and All Gracious to All People.
Jesus is the Savior of the World and God is calling ALL people everywhere to God through Jesus.
The Bible is God's authoritative Blue Print for Life and that it speaks truth to all cultures in all times.
We believe that God's Spirit gives us power for life.
At the Forge we value A community that is loving and inclusive to all people no matter their religious beliefs, cultural background, politics or personal preferences.... All are welcomed and loved.
The Mission of Mount Bethel United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Mt Bethel Church is Launched a second service at Mount Bethel. Forge Worship is more contemporary in worship style and family friendly. Forge Worship is Re-brand as a church within a church, a ministry extension of Mount Bethel Church. Our hope, our prayer is to launch Forge into the Inver Grove Heights community in 2019 and Grow to 50+ people in attendance by 2020.
October 31, 2018
Thank you everyone who opened the trunk of their car to make our 2nd annual Trunk or Treat event to meet the neighborhood a big success. The cars looked great, costumes where fun and not too scary. A fun variety of items were given to the children and parents. Candy, pencils, potato chips, allergy friendly items, scarves and much more. Click here to view the photo album We handed out treats to the children from our community letting them know that we love them and that Jesus loves them!!! We could not have done this without the help of our congregation. We served about 120 “kids” and many parents. Thanks again, Mary A. event lead |
Approved at September 2018 Ad Board meeting to Grow the Church by launching a second worship service.
FORGE, A ministry of Mt Bethel Church – Wednesday’s mid-week worship. Beginning November 14th. FORGE Worship at 6pm. Inclusive, Informal, Spontaneous, Praise music, Kid friendly, Scripture, Prayer, Interactive Message and more… The Mission, to Make God Real in ALL our Lives. |
Monday, September 24, 6 - 7:30pm
Joann, granddaughter Sarah, Polly and Sherry put their hands and feet to service offering Hope as they packed meals. The crew; J, S, S, & P worked with others at table #1 which packed 448 meals into 14 boxes. Hands were very busy.
Joann, granddaughter Sarah, Polly and Sherry put their hands and feet to service offering Hope as they packed meals. The crew; J, S, S, & P worked with others at table #1 which packed 448 meals into 14 boxes. Hands were very busy.
On Sunday, September 23rd, 10am Faces Turned, a Country Gospel Bluegrass Band led our worship service. Faces Turned has played together across the Twin Cities for over 20 years (Dan Sundvall, Graham Sones, Dave and Jeanie Johnston were joined by Travis/bass, Merlin/keys, Polly/vocal and Ken on sound). Besides the vocalists the full band includes guitars, banjos, mandolins the Spoons!!
Play list included: My Beloved/Crower, Medley of I’ll Fly Away, Pow’r In The Blood & Ev’ry Time I Feel the Spirit, Since Jesus Came Into My Heart/Gabriel, Take Me In Your Life Boat, Wayfaring Stranger, Come As You Are/Crowder, Day by Day, Amazing Grace(My Chains Are Gone)/Tomlin, Home Where I Belong/Terry, What A Friend We Have In Jesus.
Following the worship service we will had a potluck meal in the fellowship hall.
click here for photos
"In those days My people will turn their faces to seek Me. They will come and hold tight to their God, and never forget My covenant with them!" Jeremiah 50:5
Play list included: My Beloved/Crower, Medley of I’ll Fly Away, Pow’r In The Blood & Ev’ry Time I Feel the Spirit, Since Jesus Came Into My Heart/Gabriel, Take Me In Your Life Boat, Wayfaring Stranger, Come As You Are/Crowder, Day by Day, Amazing Grace(My Chains Are Gone)/Tomlin, Home Where I Belong/Terry, What A Friend We Have In Jesus.
Following the worship service we will had a potluck meal in the fellowship hall.
click here for photos
"In those days My people will turn their faces to seek Me. They will come and hold tight to their God, and never forget My covenant with them!" Jeremiah 50:5
August garden crop report: 276 pounds of produce to Neighbors Inc Food Shelf. How does our garden grow? Click here for the picture story.
September 2018 Mt Bethel Church has improved the hearing experience of Worship attenders. Seeking to be good listeners. – a hearing loop is NOW operational in the Sanctuary.
What’s a hearing loop??? “A hearing loop helps people hear sounds from a microphone or an audio system directly and clearly in their hearing aids. A hearing loop reduces or cuts out background noise. A hearing loop provides a wireless, inductive signal that is picked up by the hearing aid when it is turned to "Telecoil" setting. According to Hearing Review Products, hearing loop systems are supported by all 38 models of in-the-ear hearing aids and 29 of 30 conventional behind-the-ear models.
Our hearing loop project leader, Ken A. is available Sunday mornings to answer questions you may have about Mt Bethel's hearing loop. Ken's know-how is Mt Bethel's hearing loop. He cannot answer questions specific to one's in-the-ear hearing aid, for that you will need to contact your provider. Click here for more details on our Hearing Loop
What’s a hearing loop??? “A hearing loop helps people hear sounds from a microphone or an audio system directly and clearly in their hearing aids. A hearing loop reduces or cuts out background noise. A hearing loop provides a wireless, inductive signal that is picked up by the hearing aid when it is turned to "Telecoil" setting. According to Hearing Review Products, hearing loop systems are supported by all 38 models of in-the-ear hearing aids and 29 of 30 conventional behind-the-ear models.
Our hearing loop project leader, Ken A. is available Sunday mornings to answer questions you may have about Mt Bethel's hearing loop. Ken's know-how is Mt Bethel's hearing loop. He cannot answer questions specific to one's in-the-ear hearing aid, for that you will need to contact your provider. Click here for more details on our Hearing Loop
August 2018 Crop report from the Garden Ministry Team - 276 pounds to Neighbors Food Shelf
8-18-2018 Back to School Bash 11am - 1pm
Saturday morning, 8/18/18 multiple churches and organizations, ISD 199/Inver Grove Heights schools, Friends of the Library, IGH Police, IGH Fire, Health East EMT’s, senior living facilities and businesses came together at St Pat’s Church to offer a FREE meal, games, clothing and 1047 backpacks with school supplies to kids for the 2018-2019 school year. Some of the goodness is captured in photos here. So many in the community whether in receiving or giving... in the name of Jesus were blessed.
Many local businesses, churches and City involved: IGH Police & Fire, Friends of the Library, Dakota County Library, Neighbors Inc, Inver Grove Heights School District, Inver Hills Church, New Heights Community Church, Grace Church, River Heights Vineyard Church, St Patrick's Church, Mt Bethel Church and more....
In Jesus name- generous loving our neighbor, Mt Bethel Church gathered over 1007 Highlighters for the backpacks, multiple bags of clothing, financial support to purchase backpacks and provided volunteer support of hospitality the day of this awesome event. “Thank you” was heard multitude upon multitude of times by attenders.
Lord Jesus, Bless our children, their parents and those who care, guide, direct and encourage the children as they learn.
Saturday morning, 8/18/18 multiple churches and organizations, ISD 199/Inver Grove Heights schools, Friends of the Library, IGH Police, IGH Fire, Health East EMT’s, senior living facilities and businesses came together at St Pat’s Church to offer a FREE meal, games, clothing and 1047 backpacks with school supplies to kids for the 2018-2019 school year. Some of the goodness is captured in photos here. So many in the community whether in receiving or giving... in the name of Jesus were blessed.
Many local businesses, churches and City involved: IGH Police & Fire, Friends of the Library, Dakota County Library, Neighbors Inc, Inver Grove Heights School District, Inver Hills Church, New Heights Community Church, Grace Church, River Heights Vineyard Church, St Patrick's Church, Mt Bethel Church and more....
In Jesus name- generous loving our neighbor, Mt Bethel Church gathered over 1007 Highlighters for the backpacks, multiple bags of clothing, financial support to purchase backpacks and provided volunteer support of hospitality the day of this awesome event. “Thank you” was heard multitude upon multitude of times by attenders.
Lord Jesus, Bless our children, their parents and those who care, guide, direct and encourage the children as they learn.
Tuesday August 7, 2018 from 6-8 pm our neighborhood’s Night To Unite event hosted by us, Mt Bethel Church and sponsored by IGH Police. This is our 4th year of offering the church grounds as a location to gather and for the neighborhood to meet one another, have fun and promote community. Mt Bethel Church provided a Bouncy House for kids, hotdog, chips, water and root beer floats. Neighbors who attended were asked to bring items for Neighbors Inc Food Shelf. Two grocery carts of food were gathered. The Police Department took the first cart full to Neighbors and we got the second cart full to Neighbors Inc which totaled 128 pounds. WOW. Thank you to walkers: Judy & Ken A, Sherry Z, Mary & George A, Lora & Ethan G, Pastor Dave, and Polly T who two weeks prior to the event distributed to over 375 homes in the neighborhood flyers announcing this event along with the Back to School Bash and our Oct 30 Trunk or Treat event. 10 Night to Unite signs were placed in the neighborhood the weekend prior as a reminder. The evening of our hosting... hospitality offered in Jesus name by Barb, Sherry, Rollie, Shirley, Mary, George, Mike, Deb, Paula, Dan, Linda, Ken, Judy, Karen, Jamie, Ethan, Shelby, Ron, Joann, Polly & Pastor Dave and Jeanie. Each year of hosting more and more neighbors are attending. Ps. Grateful to our neighbor Helen who offered her kid’s picnic table for dinning time.
Monday, July 23 thru Thursday, July 26th we helped serve breakfast (8:15a-9:30am) and lunch (11:15a-12:45p) through Neighbors’ Summer Meal Program! We helped with meal prep and serve meals at Kaposia Elm School in South St Paul. Approx 150some kids for breakfast and 180some for lunch. The sweetest cafeteria staff workers, Tina and Lisa provided us guidance. Thank you to our Mt Bethel event leader JoAnn Nelson for her coordinating the volunteers with Neighbors Inc. Hairnets united: Joann, Barb, Mary, Karen, Shirley, Sherry and Polly. Click here for a few photos taken and also two thank yous made by a child served.
June 2018's crop report from Garden Ministry Team: An update on the garden some pictures of how God is working to make this our best growth and Garden harvest ever. The Garden Ministry team is in it's fourth year and learning what works and what doesn't and by God's grace this is the best looking one yet!! God is so good!!! Garden Ministry Team lead, Deb O.
June 18, 2018; First day of Summer Academy (summer school) at Hilltop Elementary. 2 members (Mary & Polly) and 2 friends (Terry & Judy) of Mt Bethel Church helped welcome kids on their arrival to school to find their classrooms and grab breakfast. Our helpful time and smiles were needed for an hour; 8-9am. As kids arrived to school, we encouraged them to grab a breakfast and helped them find their classroom Kindergarten thru 5 graders.
This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. II Corinthians 9:12 niv
Our Inbetween Pastors, Rev Penny Eberhart & Rev Emil Eberhart
January 1 to June 30, 2018
Thank you, Pastor Penny and Pastor Emil, for being true to the Word, for reflecting Jesus and for being a blessing. Your ministry is appreciated... So Much! We are grateful and thankful for your ministerial gifts and talents shared with us these past months.
Finally, brothers and sisters, good-bye. Put things in order, respond to my encouragement, be in harmony with each other, and live in peace—and the God of love and peace will be with you. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13: 11, 13 (ceb)
Our Inbetween Pastors, Rev Penny Eberhart & Rev Emil Eberhart
January 1 to June 30, 2018
Thank you, Pastor Penny and Pastor Emil, for being true to the Word, for reflecting Jesus and for being a blessing. Your ministry is appreciated... So Much! We are grateful and thankful for your ministerial gifts and talents shared with us these past months.
Finally, brothers and sisters, good-bye. Put things in order, respond to my encouragement, be in harmony with each other, and live in peace—and the God of love and peace will be with you. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13: 11, 13 (ceb)
At Mt Bethel Church it is our mission to make disciples, transforming the world for Christ – United in method, making us… United Methodist. Pastor Emil and Pastor Penny encourages us to view Pastor Tyler’s message to Minnesota United Methodists. In transforming our community (also known as... our world), in the Love of Christ, we too are transformed. OR, Restated, In changing our community in the Love of Christ, we too are changed. Reach, renew and rejoice!
June Book Study: From the authors of Leadership & Self-Deception is an expanded 2nd edition of an international bestseller, which instills hope and inspires reconciliation The Arbinger Institute presents: The Anatomy of Peace – Resolving The Heart of Conflict.
Pastors Penny and Email provide leadership in this June book study. Through reading, reflection and conversation attendees are planting seeds of hope and peace in conflict ... whether in our personal, professional or community relationships or circumstances.
Pastors Penny and Email provide leadership in this June book study. Through reading, reflection and conversation attendees are planting seeds of hope and peace in conflict ... whether in our personal, professional or community relationships or circumstances.
Old Salem Shrine held an Open House (1:00 – 3:00) and Annual Founders Day Service (3:00) on Sunday, June 3th. A number of folks came and enjoyed the experience of times gone by walking the grounds, had sweet treat refreshments and some stayed and participated in worship with an 1800’s pump organ. This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the merger of the Evangelical United Brethren and the Methodist Churches to create the United Methodist Church. Pastor Penny Eberhart, who grew up in the former Evangelical United Brethren Church, gave the message for the service. Hebrews 12: 1-2 "Surrounded by the Saints" and German hymn "Gott ist die Liebe" Old Salem is located on Upper 55th St. (Salem Church Road) just one block east of Robert St. in Inver Grove Heights. All are welcome. visit their facebook page click here.
May 31, 2018; the Garden was planted for Neighbors Inc: Debbie O, Linda B, Joe B, Sherry Z, Paula L, Dan G, Barb, Mike M. (prep tilling by Ken K and Jake T) Prayers and Plentiful growth & harvest of: squash, cucumbers, potatoes, zucchini, cabbage, egg plant, radishes, carrots, beets, tomatoes, peppers. Photos here and here. This ministry project leader is Debbie O.
Wednesday Bible Study, 3:30p Studying Paul’s letter to the Corinthians The church in Corinth was a church in conflict. Pastor Penny led us through Paul's message for five months. It is so helpful to see Paul’s counsel to Corinth as well as to us today who also live in conflict. We gathered around the table, learned and grew.
...for the greatest is Love. Thank you Pastor Penny and Pastor Emil for your extra special care.
...for the greatest is Love. Thank you Pastor Penny and Pastor Emil for your extra special care.
Are you ready for summer? 2018 Camp Minnesota is ready for you! Click here to get the latest information of dates and camp descriptions. A brochure is also available in the Narthex kiosk for your taking.
For those of us familiar with STORM camp, dates are:
S.T.O.R.M. Camp - Stewartville July 15th - July 21st
S.T.O.R.M. Camp - Elk River July 22nd - July 28th
(S.T.O.R.M. = Service To Others in Relational Ministry)
Members and friends of Mt Bethel United Methodist Church young and older.... desiring to attend camp, MOE is offering Camp tuition Grants. See Pastors or Polly for details.
For those of us familiar with STORM camp, dates are:
S.T.O.R.M. Camp - Stewartville July 15th - July 21st
S.T.O.R.M. Camp - Elk River July 22nd - July 28th
(S.T.O.R.M. = Service To Others in Relational Ministry)
Members and friends of Mt Bethel United Methodist Church young and older.... desiring to attend camp, MOE is offering Camp tuition Grants. See Pastors or Polly for details.
Minnesota Annual Conference took place May 30-June 1, 2018 in St. Cloud. The theme "Discover Joy: Live Deeply!" from John 15:1-17. Pastor Penny and Rollie E attending representing Mt Bethel United Methodist Church. Click here for more details
At Mt Bethel Church it is our mission to make disciples, transforming the world for Christ – United in method making us… United Methodist. Pastor Emil encourages us to click here to view Pastor Tyler’s message to Minnesota United Methodists. In transforming our community – aka our world, to the Love of Christ, we too are transformed. OR restated, In changing our community to the Love of Christ, we too are changed. Reach, renew and rejoice!
At Mt Bethel Church it is our mission to make disciples, transforming the world for Christ – United in method making us… United Methodist. Pastor Emil encourages us to click here to view Pastor Tyler’s message to Minnesota United Methodists. In transforming our community – aka our world, to the Love of Christ, we too are transformed. OR restated, In changing our community to the Love of Christ, we too are changed. Reach, renew and rejoice!
Installed May 16, 2018: We are Thankful for the window in honor and memory of Palmer & Darlene Gopelt given by their Family. Palmer & Darlene Gopelt were active members of Mt Bethel Church in launching it as a church plant.
Click image to view more photos. We are blessed.
All-Church Charge Conference Meeting, Sunday, May 20th 11 am, following Worship - a heartwarming testimony from Linda, Deb and Al from their April Be The Tool mission trip to Houston TX lending support in the after affects of Hurricane Harvey. After the 35 minute All-Church meeting reviewing the past year’s ministry in action and motions and approval of launching mission in action for the upcoming months, we gathered in the Narthex for a sandwich luncheon with a freewill offering covering the cost of lunch.
Due to the dangerous winter weather conditions, Sunday, April 15th Worship was cancelled.
In the warmth and safety of your home, we rested in the goodness of prayer and devotion. Only God was in the know that the weekend would turn into an historic April snow event. Over 15" of heavy spring-time snow in Inver Grove Heights. Just north of us, reporting 18" plus. With great gusto the wind blew too. Wow, that is alot of; He washes our sins - as white as snow....
4/14/18, Ad Board Chair Dan G. took the lead in consult with Pastor Emil on Saturday afternoon with heavy snowfall and blizzard conditions and the weather forecasted to continue into Sunday, to cancel Sunday’s Worship for people’s safety. As communicated in weekly newsletters January through March, any winter weather related cancelation of Worship would be communicated on the website and Facebook page. Additionally an email blast was sent and Worship lead Kathy B. called all members who do not have Internet, email. Cancelation of Worship was also communicated to Pastor Dan of New Heights Church.
In the warmth and safety of your home, we rested in the goodness of prayer and devotion. Only God was in the know that the weekend would turn into an historic April snow event. Over 15" of heavy spring-time snow in Inver Grove Heights. Just north of us, reporting 18" plus. With great gusto the wind blew too. Wow, that is alot of; He washes our sins - as white as snow....
4/14/18, Ad Board Chair Dan G. took the lead in consult with Pastor Emil on Saturday afternoon with heavy snowfall and blizzard conditions and the weather forecasted to continue into Sunday, to cancel Sunday’s Worship for people’s safety. As communicated in weekly newsletters January through March, any winter weather related cancelation of Worship would be communicated on the website and Facebook page. Additionally an email blast was sent and Worship lead Kathy B. called all members who do not have Internet, email. Cancelation of Worship was also communicated to Pastor Dan of New Heights Church.
Month of March to April 8th: Our (Mission Outreach Evangelism) MOE Team came along side members and friends of Mt Bethel Church offering a matching Grant up to $500 for our Neighbors Inc food shelf as part of the Minnesota Food Share March Campaign. Through our generous giving filling the Sanctuary grocery cart and generous financial offerings over $1000 is going to Neighbors Inc Food Shelf to feed families in our community in need.
Holy Week 2018 at Mt Bethel Church is packed with Renewing and Rejoicing through Faith and Action in our Worship, Scripture, Prayer and in offering Christ as we serving others at Feed My Starving Children and one another for Easter morn breakfast, Worship, Communion and Egg hunt. Click here for photos.
Special thank you to our Worship Team for the intentional planning and preparations that provided multiple options for experiencing the goodness and blessings of Holy Week Worship. All of our senses were captivated in the sights sounds and smells of remembering the journey Christ made to the Cross and the Glory of Resurrection – Christ IS Risen! |
Spring Break & Holy Week: Wednesday, March 28th, we joined with New Heights Church and more... to pack meals for FMSC 9:30am crew helped turn hunger into hope by packing 35,480 meals into 155 boxes. The 6pm crew packed 19,008 meals into 88 boxes. All for hungry children in Haiti. 144 kids fed for a year.
Mar 26, To those who protect and serve - offered cases of water deliverd by Judy A, Carolyn C & Ken A .
Matthew 25 34-36 (cev) “My father has blessed you! Come and receive the kingdom that was prepared for you before the world was created. When I was hungry, you gave me something to eat, and when I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink. When I was a stranger, you welcomed me, and when I was naked, you gave me clothes to wear. When I was sick, you took care of me, and when I was in jail, you visited me.”
Appointment Announcement March 4, 2018:
Bishop Ough, Minnesota United Methodist Conference Cabinet and our Staff Pastor Parish Relations Team announce the half-time appointment of Rev. David Johnston.
Pastor Dave will begin serving Mt Bethel United Methodist Church July 1. Pastor Dave and spouse Jeanie currently live in Marshall MN. They are beginning the plans of re-locating to Inver Grove Heights area. Welcome!
Bishop Ough, Minnesota United Methodist Conference Cabinet and our Staff Pastor Parish Relations Team announce the half-time appointment of Rev. David Johnston.
Pastor Dave will begin serving Mt Bethel United Methodist Church July 1. Pastor Dave and spouse Jeanie currently live in Marshall MN. They are beginning the plans of re-locating to Inver Grove Heights area. Welcome!
Gertens Fundraiser: This fundraiser offered members and friends of Mt Bethel Church the opportunity to purchase Gertens hanging baskets and annual pots and/or annual flats at a good price, avoid the crowds, and extras for church. All the proceeds from this fundraiser are directed 50/50 to church grounds and Mt Bethel's General Ministry Fund to care for needs. Orders and payment were received by Sunday, March 25th. Plants available for pick-up from Mt Bethel Church Friday, May 18th at noon. A special thank you to our coordinators Mary A, JoAnn N & Darlene A. Click here to view annual plants - images.
March Matters… March 1 to April 8th, is a big month at Neighbors Inc and for food shelves across the State. The annual Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign. Neighbors’ biggest food and fund drive of the year. March FoodShare helps stock the shelves for the busy summer months ahead. A donation in March to April 8 goes even further for our MOE, Mission Outreach Evengelism Team offered a matching Grant up to $500 for funds and pounds of food gathered. Neighbors Inc meets the needs of Inver Grove Heights and South St. Paul and West St. Paul families. Mt Bethel Church is a founding partner of Neighbors Inc.
Each Wednesday in Lent we joined the Crowd and experienced Christ's ... Final Words from the Cross. Wednesdays began at 6p with fellowship of appetizers served in the Narthex. Decaffeinated hot & cold beverages provided or bring your own. At 6:30p we transitioned into the Sanctuary: Lenten Study: Final Words From The Cross by Adam Hamilton. Examine Christ’s dying hours and his final words as seen and heard through the eyes and ears of those who stood near the cross.
February: Simon of Cyrene's story The Thief on the Cross March: Mary the Wife of Clopas - The Centurion at the Cross - A Man in the Crowd - Nicodemus Study Guide
February: Simon of Cyrene's story The Thief on the Cross March: Mary the Wife of Clopas - The Centurion at the Cross - A Man in the Crowd - Nicodemus Study Guide
Sunday, March 11th United Methodist Committee on Relief - UMCOR
Special Sunday for Planned generous giving. ...acting as the hands and feed of Christ.... embrasing and supporting those in need in their darkest days. Meeting the needs of the suffering. Together we do more.
Special Sunday for Planned generous giving. ...acting as the hands and feed of Christ.... embrasing and supporting those in need in their darkest days. Meeting the needs of the suffering. Together we do more.
March 1, 2018 Intentional acts of kindness to surprise the world, right here in Inver Grove Heights. Mt Bethel Church made arrangements with Principal Vallafskey of Hilltop Elementary, to surprise the faculty and staff with Sundaes and root beer floats at lunchtime today. Thank you to Karen and Darlene being our hands and feet to offer Christ by scooping some creamy goodness. We are so grateful for the kindness, compassion and instruction the faculty and staff of Hilltop Elementary offer to our neighborhood's children.
3/2/18 We received an email from Principle Sue, expressing gratitude and appreciation... "Thank you so much both for your support and for providing the staff with a delicious treat. Mount Bethel is appreciated! Have a wonderful day! Sue"
3/2/18 We received an email from Principle Sue, expressing gratitude and appreciation... "Thank you so much both for your support and for providing the staff with a delicious treat. Mount Bethel is appreciated! Have a wonderful day! Sue"
One of the great things about Lent is being more mindful to serve others. Saturday evening, Feb 17th 2018, just that took place at Faith United Methodist Church in West St Paul. Be The Tool raised funds for upcoming Adult mission trips to the Houston TX area supporting Hurricane Harvey relief. This annual event is a great opportunity to serve others in fellowship of eating Chili and biding on auction items. April 7-15 2018, three, (Al O., Deb O., & Linda B.) from Mt Bethel Church are offering their time and talents to Be The Tool. Offering support by raising funds to cover the costs of supplies and materials as they help rebuild homes in Jesus name.
For God so Loved the world that he sent his only Son....
In love we gathered for Ash Wednesday Worship 5p.
As you and your loved ones pay extra special attention to love on Feb 14th, we made Ash Wednesday's Worship part of our evening plans.
In love we gathered for Ash Wednesday Worship 5p.
As you and your loved ones pay extra special attention to love on Feb 14th, we made Ash Wednesday's Worship part of our evening plans.
The Great Neighbors’ Food Fight - February 1 to March 31, 2018
7 Local restaurants compete for the “best burger” title and 15 of us are helping decide who who wins. 15 of us purchased $35 Great Neighbors’ Food Fight cards, that we redeem for a selected burger at each participating restaurant. ALL Proceeds from our Food Fight cards, yes, $525 benefit programs at Neighbors Inc. Fifteen of us are eating burgers for Neighbors Inc at: B-52 Burgers & Brew, BLVD Bar+Grille, Cherokee Tavern, Concord Lanes Bar & Grill, Jersey’s Bar & Grill, Mississippi Pub and Perkin’s West St. Paul.
7 Local restaurants compete for the “best burger” title and 15 of us are helping decide who who wins. 15 of us purchased $35 Great Neighbors’ Food Fight cards, that we redeem for a selected burger at each participating restaurant. ALL Proceeds from our Food Fight cards, yes, $525 benefit programs at Neighbors Inc. Fifteen of us are eating burgers for Neighbors Inc at: B-52 Burgers & Brew, BLVD Bar+Grille, Cherokee Tavern, Concord Lanes Bar & Grill, Jersey’s Bar & Grill, Mississippi Pub and Perkin’s West St. Paul.
( April 2018 update ) The 2018 Great Neighbors’ Food Fight! With our help.... this delicious fundraiser raised close to $8,500 ($525 from Mt Bethel card buyers) for the emergency and supportive service programs at Neighbors, Inc. This year’s winning restaurant was Cherokee Tavern, and runner-up burger from The Mississippi Pub. All of the restaurants deserve a round of applause for their generous donations that make this annual event a success. We hope you enjoyed it!
Let's get together and play. - board games, dice games, MahJong, 500, Crazy8, lets just play ..... Game night, Friday, January 19th, 7pm, at the church. The more the merrier. Young and older gathered together for UNO, Apples To Apples Jr., Trouble and MahJong. We were few but the fun was much. MahJong newbe Marsha won two games!! Apples to Apples; perspective taking- there's a skill... Sweet Zoie hung in to be UNO champ. The snacks - fed the body well and the extra open space was just what youthful feet needed to ready themselves for bedtime to come. Thank you to our friends of New Heights Church for organizing this fellowship goodness.
January 2018 Worshiping with Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge Choir. Praise and worship, singing and client’s stories of real accounts of their lives while addicted and how God's helped them overcome drugs and alcohol. For people who would like to support MnTC a a love offering was taken as a part of worship.
Following Worship, we joined together in a potluck meal with MnTC clients. This meal gaves worship attendees and MnTC clients the opportunity to have mutually encouraging one-on-one conversations.
Following Worship, we joined together in a potluck meal with MnTC clients. This meal gaves worship attendees and MnTC clients the opportunity to have mutually encouraging one-on-one conversations.
January 1, 2018 – June 30, 2018. From he Cabinet of the Minnesota Annual Conference and the co-chairs of the Board of Ordained Ministry; Reverends Emil and Penelope (Penny) Eberhart agree to provide .50 time pastoral leadership, shared equally for Mt Bethel Church. Rev Email and Rev. Penny are appointed in retired status to the Mt Bethel congregation and under the care of the District Superintendent, Cynthia Williams.
Mount Bethel’s Interim Pastor Emil H. Eberhart is a native of South Dakota growing up on farm near Eureka, South Dakota. He experienced his call to the ordained ministry during his senior year in high school. He graduated from Westmar College. He earned his master’s of divinity from Evangelical Theological Seminary now Garrett Evangelical Seminary and was ordained in 1968. He served as pastor of several churches in eastern South Dakota.
He believes the church needs to be a spiritually healthy group of people loving God and neighbor in our rapidly changing world.
Pastor Emil is married to Rev. Penelope (Penny) Eberhart. They have been blessed with three children, a son-law, two daughter-laws and nine grandchildren. He enjoys spending time with them, gardening, photography and helping people with computer questions.
He believes the church needs to be a spiritually healthy group of people loving God and neighbor in our rapidly changing world.
Pastor Emil is married to Rev. Penelope (Penny) Eberhart. They have been blessed with three children, a son-law, two daughter-laws and nine grandchildren. He enjoys spending time with them, gardening, photography and helping people with computer questions.
Mount Bethel’s Interim co-pastor, Pastor Penny Eberhart, grew up in Ashley, North Dakota. She is a graduate of Westmar College (Home Economics and Biology), Evangelical Theological Seminary (Masters of Religious Education) and Sioux Falls Seminary (Masters of Divinity).
Feeling called to Full Time Christian Service as a youth, she responded to that call first by serving as a teacher at the Red Bird Mission in Beverly, KY. She later was led to become an ordained pastor, serving churches in eastern South Dakota.
Pastor Penny and her husband, Emil, moved to Boutwells Landing in Stillwater, MN, in 2011, in order to be closer to their three children and their families. She enjoys reading, putting together puzzles, and spending time with family and friends.
Her passion for ministry in the church is to help a congregation be aware of God’s love for them and for all people, to help persons seek and be open to God’s direction for their lives and for their congregation, and then to help and encourage them to be the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus in their families, places of work and in their community.
Feeling called to Full Time Christian Service as a youth, she responded to that call first by serving as a teacher at the Red Bird Mission in Beverly, KY. She later was led to become an ordained pastor, serving churches in eastern South Dakota.
Pastor Penny and her husband, Emil, moved to Boutwells Landing in Stillwater, MN, in 2011, in order to be closer to their three children and their families. She enjoys reading, putting together puzzles, and spending time with family and friends.
Her passion for ministry in the church is to help a congregation be aware of God’s love for them and for all people, to help persons seek and be open to God’s direction for their lives and for their congregation, and then to help and encourage them to be the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus in their families, places of work and in their community.