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Good News!!!
Tuesday, August 6th, Night to Unite 2024 is happening
at the corner of 70th Street & Carmen Ave
~ new home of Faith Church
Why: Get to know… meet our neighbors, have fun and promote community.
Event Sponsor: City of IGH Night to Unite page
Event Host: Faith Church
What should I bring? Come, eat, visit. If you want to bring something, bring non-perishable food item(s) for Neighbors’ Inc Food Shelf
Tuesday, August 6th, Night to Unite 2024 is happening
at the corner of 70th Street & Carmen Ave
~ new home of Faith Church
Why: Get to know… meet our neighbors, have fun and promote community.
Event Sponsor: City of IGH Night to Unite page
Event Host: Faith Church
What should I bring? Come, eat, visit. If you want to bring something, bring non-perishable food item(s) for Neighbors’ Inc Food Shelf

Our 2022 Inver Grove Heights Night To Unite! – aka: National Night Out for our neighborhood was a warm success. With a heat index over 100 degrees we enjoyed the goodness of offering hospitality to our neighborhood. The heat likely kept some away but others have grown to enjoy this annual neighborhood tradition. We estimate in the range of 100 attendees. Mt Bethel Church provided a light meal: hot dogs & brats on the grill, chips, ice cream~Root Beer Floats, Sunny D & ice cold water. A bouncy for kids, and visits all evening long by IGH School and City leadership, Police & Fire personnel. Click here to view pics. 42 pounds of food was delivered to Neighbors Inc and two bags of school supplies to our Hilltop Elementary neighbors down the street. Thanks for coming and Mt Bethel, Thank you for serving well!

2022 Inver Grove Heights Night To Unite! – aka: National Night Out for our neighborhood
When: Tuesday, August 2nd , 6-8pm
Where: Corner of 70th Street & Carmen Ave. – the yard of Mt Bethel Church
What: Gathering with the neighborhood; Mt Bethel Church will provide a light meal: hot dogs & brats on the grill, chips, ice cream~Root Beer Floats.
A bouncy for kids, with visits by Police & Fire personnel, School and City leadership.
If rain... will be held inside in the church Fellowship Hall
When: Tuesday, August 2nd , 6-8pm
Where: Corner of 70th Street & Carmen Ave. – the yard of Mt Bethel Church
What: Gathering with the neighborhood; Mt Bethel Church will provide a light meal: hot dogs & brats on the grill, chips, ice cream~Root Beer Floats.
A bouncy for kids, with visits by Police & Fire personnel, School and City leadership.
If rain... will be held inside in the church Fellowship Hall
Why: Get to know… meet our neighbors, have fun and promote community.
Event Sponsor: Inver Grove Heights Police. City of IGH Night to Unite page Event Host: Mt Bethel Church
What should I bring? Come, eat, visit. If you want to bring something, bring non-perishable food item(s) for Neighbors’ Inc Food Shelf ...OR We are gathering School Supplies for our neighbors, Hilltop Elementary. - Hilltop's School Supply suggestions: Kleenex, Tennis shoes, Disinfectant wipes, Crayons, Markers, Highlighters, Scissors, Colored Pencils, Water color paints, Glue bottles, Glue sticks, Zip-lock bags; (Gallon, Quart, Snack size), Pocket Folders, Ear-Buds-Headphone, Small School Supply Box, Pocket Folders, Dry-Erase Markers, Wide-Line Paper & Notebooks, Wide-Line Composition notebook, and Backpacks.
You are invited rain or shine to the lawn of Mt Bethel Church, 70th Street & Carmen Avenue for our neighborhood’s Night to Unite! It’s an opportunity for the neighborhood to strengthen bonds. IGH Police report that Night to Unite neighborhood program has proven to be an effective, inexpensive and enjoyable program to promote IGH neighborhood bonds and police-community partnerships. If rain, will move the event indoors to the church’s fellowship hall
To strengthen bonds of Uniting our neighborhood, if you have a business, service, talent you would like communicated to the neighborhood; an information table will be available to display contact info/details to others. i.e. business card, brochure, pamphlet, booklet.
Questions, email us at: [email protected]
Photos from our neighborhood Night to Unite at 70th Street & Carmen Avenue.
2021 Night to Unite
2019 Night to Unite
2018 Night to Unite
2017 Night to Unite
2016 Night to Unite
2015 Night to Unite
Event Sponsor: Inver Grove Heights Police. City of IGH Night to Unite page Event Host: Mt Bethel Church
What should I bring? Come, eat, visit. If you want to bring something, bring non-perishable food item(s) for Neighbors’ Inc Food Shelf ...OR We are gathering School Supplies for our neighbors, Hilltop Elementary. - Hilltop's School Supply suggestions: Kleenex, Tennis shoes, Disinfectant wipes, Crayons, Markers, Highlighters, Scissors, Colored Pencils, Water color paints, Glue bottles, Glue sticks, Zip-lock bags; (Gallon, Quart, Snack size), Pocket Folders, Ear-Buds-Headphone, Small School Supply Box, Pocket Folders, Dry-Erase Markers, Wide-Line Paper & Notebooks, Wide-Line Composition notebook, and Backpacks.
You are invited rain or shine to the lawn of Mt Bethel Church, 70th Street & Carmen Avenue for our neighborhood’s Night to Unite! It’s an opportunity for the neighborhood to strengthen bonds. IGH Police report that Night to Unite neighborhood program has proven to be an effective, inexpensive and enjoyable program to promote IGH neighborhood bonds and police-community partnerships. If rain, will move the event indoors to the church’s fellowship hall
To strengthen bonds of Uniting our neighborhood, if you have a business, service, talent you would like communicated to the neighborhood; an information table will be available to display contact info/details to others. i.e. business card, brochure, pamphlet, booklet.
Questions, email us at: [email protected]
Photos from our neighborhood Night to Unite at 70th Street & Carmen Avenue.
2021 Night to Unite
2019 Night to Unite
2018 Night to Unite
2017 Night to Unite
2016 Night to Unite
2015 Night to Unite