"Together we commit ourselves to our baptismal vows to renounce the spiritual forces of wickedness,
reject the evil powers of this world, to repent of our sin, and to use the freedom and power God gives us to resist evil,
injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves."
reject the evil powers of this world, to repent of our sin, and to use the freedom and power God gives us to resist evil,
injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves."
Building a Beloved Community
9 videos of personal reflections shared by a diverse group of Minnesota United Methodists.
VIDEO 1: Isiah Dennis, exploring ministry in the UMC and member of Camphor Memorial UMC in St. Paul: Watch or download video / Access study guide / Access grounding prayer audio recording (for use with study guide)
VIDEO 2: Kristie Swenson, member of Trimont UMC whose family farms: Watch or download video / Access study guide / Access grounding prayer audio recording (for use with study guide)
VIDEO 3: Rev. Tyler Sit, serves New City Church in Minneapolis: Watch or download video / Access study guide / Access grounding prayer audio recording (for use with study guide)
VIDEO 4: Rev. Dawn Houser, serves Aitkin UMC: Watch or download video / Access study guide / Access grounding prayer audio recording (for use with study guide)
VIDEO 5: Rev. Chad Setter, serves Cornerstone UMC in Lake Crystal: Watch or download video / Access study guide / Access grounding prayer audio recording (for use with study guide)
VIDEO 6: Rev. Riva Tabelisma, serves Community UMC in Columbia Heights: Watch or download video / Access study guide / Access grounding prayer audio recording (for use with study guide)
VIDEO 7: Emily Hilderbrand, student at Hamline University in St. Paul and 2020-2021 ELI Project intern: Watch or download video / Access study guide / Access grounding prayer audio recording (for use with study guide)
VIDEO 8: Rev. Soungbum Baek, serves Korean UMC of Minnesota in New Brighton: Watch or download video / Access study guide / Access grounding prayer audio recording (for use with study guide)
VIDEO 9: Rev. Cynthia Williams, serves as superintendent of the River Valley District: Watch or download video / Access study guide / Access grounding prayer audio recording (for use with study guide)
9 videos of personal reflections shared by a diverse group of Minnesota United Methodists.
VIDEO 1: Isiah Dennis, exploring ministry in the UMC and member of Camphor Memorial UMC in St. Paul: Watch or download video / Access study guide / Access grounding prayer audio recording (for use with study guide)
VIDEO 2: Kristie Swenson, member of Trimont UMC whose family farms: Watch or download video / Access study guide / Access grounding prayer audio recording (for use with study guide)
VIDEO 3: Rev. Tyler Sit, serves New City Church in Minneapolis: Watch or download video / Access study guide / Access grounding prayer audio recording (for use with study guide)
VIDEO 4: Rev. Dawn Houser, serves Aitkin UMC: Watch or download video / Access study guide / Access grounding prayer audio recording (for use with study guide)
VIDEO 5: Rev. Chad Setter, serves Cornerstone UMC in Lake Crystal: Watch or download video / Access study guide / Access grounding prayer audio recording (for use with study guide)
VIDEO 6: Rev. Riva Tabelisma, serves Community UMC in Columbia Heights: Watch or download video / Access study guide / Access grounding prayer audio recording (for use with study guide)
VIDEO 7: Emily Hilderbrand, student at Hamline University in St. Paul and 2020-2021 ELI Project intern: Watch or download video / Access study guide / Access grounding prayer audio recording (for use with study guide)
VIDEO 8: Rev. Soungbum Baek, serves Korean UMC of Minnesota in New Brighton: Watch or download video / Access study guide / Access grounding prayer audio recording (for use with study guide)
VIDEO 9: Rev. Cynthia Williams, serves as superintendent of the River Valley District: Watch or download video / Access study guide / Access grounding prayer audio recording (for use with study guide)
Dismantling Racism: Lent devotions by our bishops click to view
3/19/2021 Bishop Bard's pastoral letter on violence against Asian Americans read here
3/19/2021 Bishop Bard's pastoral letter on violence against Asian Americans read here
Minnesota Annual Conference Cabinet Statement on Racial Justice
Matthew 22:35-40 How does one Dismantle racism ? ~ Start with Listening.
United Methodists throughout Minnesota and country are working to dismantle racism as part of the Church’s commitment to freedom and justice for all people. Be a seed of change, listen and hear Matthew 13 & Matthew 22: 35-40. We as a congregation can work toward equality and equity for all by planting a seed of intentional listening. Let us begin by listening to the different voices and experiences of those in the community. Our mission to be the Church – the Body of Christ that intends to transforms lives, make disciples of Jesus Christ,
let us begin by Listening. ~ be vulnerable, be bold, be courageous, listen, be Matthew 22: 35-40
The Danger of a Single Story Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie TED Talk
UMC video Townhall conversation 1 UMC dismantling racism
Read. White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo
Video Dr. Robin DiANgelo discusses 'White Fragility'
Listen: 'White Fragility' author Robin DiAngelo interviewed on MPR 7-10-2020
Read: 'White Fragility" talks down to Black people John McWhorter professor Columbia University
Netflix Documentary: 13th
Ted Talk video: Mellody Hobson Color Blind or Color Brave
Tim Wise, 9 min video history of White Privilege
Ted Talk video: Luvvie Ajayi Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable.”
Podcast “How Race Was Made” - Who invented race as we know it, & why?
Broadcast on MPR listen to “The Worst Thing We’ve Ever Done”
Implicit Bias-how it effects us and how we push through Melanie Funchess TED Talk
White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Nation's Divide Carol Anderson Professor Emery University
"Stand Against Racism" UM Church initiative, fold anti-racism into faith practices.
"Stand Against Racism" UM Church the kingdom of God is justice and we must not be silent when we witness discrimination
UMC Perspectives: A conversation with civil rights titans about racism
Open Hearts Open Minds Open doors – The people of United Methodist Church
Faith and racial Justice Dr Leah Gunning Francis talking to kids about racism from the United Methodist Church
TPT's Jim Crow of the North - Full length Documentary, Yes, here in "Minnesota Nice" - Watch, Listen
The Science of trauma research of Bianca Jones Marlin, Neuroscientist
United Methodists throughout Minnesota and country are working to dismantle racism as part of the Church’s commitment to freedom and justice for all people. Be a seed of change, listen and hear Matthew 13 & Matthew 22: 35-40. We as a congregation can work toward equality and equity for all by planting a seed of intentional listening. Let us begin by listening to the different voices and experiences of those in the community. Our mission to be the Church – the Body of Christ that intends to transforms lives, make disciples of Jesus Christ,
let us begin by Listening. ~ be vulnerable, be bold, be courageous, listen, be Matthew 22: 35-40
The Danger of a Single Story Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie TED Talk
UMC video Townhall conversation 1 UMC dismantling racism
Read. White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo
Video Dr. Robin DiANgelo discusses 'White Fragility'
Listen: 'White Fragility' author Robin DiAngelo interviewed on MPR 7-10-2020
Read: 'White Fragility" talks down to Black people John McWhorter professor Columbia University
Netflix Documentary: 13th
Ted Talk video: Mellody Hobson Color Blind or Color Brave
Tim Wise, 9 min video history of White Privilege
Ted Talk video: Luvvie Ajayi Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable.”
Podcast “How Race Was Made” - Who invented race as we know it, & why?
Broadcast on MPR listen to “The Worst Thing We’ve Ever Done”
Implicit Bias-how it effects us and how we push through Melanie Funchess TED Talk
White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Nation's Divide Carol Anderson Professor Emery University
"Stand Against Racism" UM Church initiative, fold anti-racism into faith practices.
"Stand Against Racism" UM Church the kingdom of God is justice and we must not be silent when we witness discrimination
UMC Perspectives: A conversation with civil rights titans about racism
Open Hearts Open Minds Open doors – The people of United Methodist Church
Faith and racial Justice Dr Leah Gunning Francis talking to kids about racism from the United Methodist Church
TPT's Jim Crow of the North - Full length Documentary, Yes, here in "Minnesota Nice" - Watch, Listen
The Science of trauma research of Bianca Jones Marlin, Neuroscientist
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all people are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” Declaration of Independence 7/4/1776.
Every person in Minnesota is protected by the Human Rights Act based on their personal characteristics of Race, Color, Creed, Religion, National Origin, Sex, Marital Status, Familial Status, Disability, Public Assistance Status, Age, Sexual Orientation. May we prayerfully re-examine our personal and system divides and begin building equity bridges and ramps for all persons.
Every person in Minnesota is protected by the Human Rights Act based on their personal characteristics of Race, Color, Creed, Religion, National Origin, Sex, Marital Status, Familial Status, Disability, Public Assistance Status, Age, Sexual Orientation. May we prayerfully re-examine our personal and system divides and begin building equity bridges and ramps for all persons.